Chapter 657 A Good and Conscientious Dad
An Qiaoran said, and took a dress from the cloakroom, and then left the cloakroom quickly.

With a "bang", the door closed.

Lu Yuchen stood in front of the closet, looking at the closed door, feeling a little helpless.

An Qiaoran ran into the bathroom, came to the makeup mirror, changed into the dress, and then covered the strawberries with foundation. After she applied layer after layer, she successfully covered the strawberries completely .

I have to say, this Lu Yuchen is working very hard, maybe he won't be able to disappear in a day or two.

After doing all this, An Qiaoran left the room.After tossing with Lu Yuchen for a long time, she was hungry and was going to go downstairs to have something to eat.

However, just as she walked out of the bedroom door, a baby was crying from the baby room next door.

Jiayi is crying again?

An Qiaoran walked into the baby's room, and found that one maid was hugging and coaxing the baby, while the other handed the baby a bottle. The baby didn't seem to agree with it, and the maid was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

All the maids in the villa knew that Lu Yuchen loved this daughter the most, but this lady kept crying, and they couldn't coax her well. If Mr. Lu heard the child cry, they would probably be finished.

The two maids were completely helpless with the crying child and stood there holding the child, not knowing what to do.

An Qiaoran walked in, and the two maids rushed over as if they saw a savior, "Ma'am, Miss has been crying since she woke up, we really have nothing to do."

An Qiaoran walked over, carried the child over, coaxed her, and then looked at the maid, "Go down first! I will take care of the child for the time being, and I will notify you when I need you."

"Good lady." The maid nodded, glanced at the crying child, sighed, and left.

They have taken care of many children anyway, so they are experienced, but they really have nothing to do with this child.

It was okay at the beginning, but since this morning, except for bedtime, I have been crying almost all the time.

After the maid left, An Qiaoran carried the child downstairs.

When An Qiaoran came to the hall with the child in his arms, Yun Mo and Lan Yan walked in together.

Hearing the child's cry, Lan Yan hurriedly walked in front of An Qiaoran, seeing the child who was still crying, her heart ached.

"Why is this child crying all the time? His eyes are swollen from crying. It's really pitiful to look at."

Every time Lan Yan sees this child, she will think of the child she has lost, and she still feels a little sad in her heart.

Although it is an ectopic pregnancy, it is life after all.

"At least it's my baby, and I feel uncomfortable looking at it." An Qiaoran hugged and rocked the baby, hoping to make him laugh, but it didn't work.

Yun Mo also sat down beside Lan Yan, looking at the baby in An Qiaoran's hands, he couldn't help but envy Lu Yuchen for giving birth to such a noisy child.

When Lu Yuchen changed his clothes and came down, he heard the cry of the child from a long distance away, so he hurriedly walked to the hall, and locked the three people sitting on the sofa at a glance.

Walking over to stand in front of An Qiaoran, seeing An Qiaoran trying to coax the crying child, he couldn't help reaching out and hugging her.

"In the future, the child should be coaxed by me!" Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran and said.

Anyway, after she coaxed it, it was still useless.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was a little helpless, "Okay! I'll coax you in the future, and let you take it to the company. Just let those people in your company see that you are not only a business overlord, but also a conscientious good father."

(End of this chapter)

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