Chapter 665 Well, Still Very Handsome

An Qiaoran was also stunned when she heard this voice, and looked at the man, who was her aunt's son, An Yi.

"Cousin? Why is it you?" An Qiaoran has been to the company many times, but he has never met him before. How could it be such a coincidence today?

"I was in a hurry and bumped into you just now. I'm so sorry." An Yi said apologetically, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Yuchen beside An Qiaoran, and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I was too impatient."

Although he has been in the company for a while, he has seen Lu Yuchen very rarely, but he also knows that he has a weird personality, and the tone of his words just now is terrible.

Lu Yuchen remembered An Yi, An Qiaoran's cousin, "Be careful next time."

After uttering these words indifferently, he turned around with An Qiaoran in his arms, ready to leave.

"Ran Ran..." An Yi's voice sounded from behind.

An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then turned to look at him, "What's wrong?"

"I..." An Yi wanted to say something, but when he noticed Lu Yuchen's impatient expression, he didn't dare to say anything, so he said, "Forget it, I'll tell you next time."

"En." An Qiaoran nodded, and left with Lu Yuchen.


LA mall is the largest shopping mall in Beicheng, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen came here.

An Qiaoran's first choice was of course potato chips as a snack. Lu Yuchen had no choice but to let her choose a bunch of them and pay for them herself, while Ah Heng behind her carried them.

Afterwards, An Qiaoran took him to men's clothing. The clothing in this shopping mall were all big brands. Although An Qiaoran didn't understand these things, the more numbers there were, the better it was.

After marrying Lu Yuchen, he was responsible for An Qiaoran's food, clothing, housing and transportation. She hasn't bought clothes properly yet!
She had thought about it, from now on, she would develop a character of buying, buying, buying, or else Lu Yuchen would say that she would not spend money.

However, it must be Lu Yuchen's money to buy it for herself, and her money to buy it for him, of course!
There is nothing wrong with this idea!An Qiaoran thought happily.

However, she was short of cash and couldn't buy too expensive ones, so she could only buy seven or eight hundred, with a maximum of one or two thousand, whether he wanted to wear them or not.

An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen came to the men's clothing store. Lu Yuchen's cell phone vibrated and went to answer the phone. She walked in first, followed by Ah Heng who was carrying a large bag of snacks.

As soon as An Qiaoran entered, a salesperson came over, "Welcome to our store, what do you need?"

"I'll just go shopping, okay?" An Qiaoran looked at the salesperson.

The clothes here are too expensive for her to afford.

Hearing this, the salesperson was stunned for a moment, and then saw Ah Heng carrying a lot of retail items behind him, the disgust in his eyes flashed, "It's okay, you can just go shopping."

An Qiaoran looked at the disgust in her eyes, feeling a little helpless, what happened to her buying so many snacks?She just likes to eat.

An Qiaoran walked along rows of men's clothing.

Most of the shops in this store are suits, trousers, shirts, and ties, and there doesn't seem to be anything new.

An Qiaoran walked around boredly, all in suits, it was really boring.

Suddenly, a dark blue suit in the middle of the store attracted her attention, and she walked over there.

The dark blue suit was worn by a model, through which she seemed to see Lu Yuchen wearing the suit.

Well, still handsome.

An Qiaoran nodded in satisfaction, and walked over to look at the price, but unexpectedly, her feet were caught by something, her center was unstable, and she threw herself towards the model...

The model fell to the ground, and the rows of models behind also fell to the ground one after another. An Qiaoran fell on the model, his knees and hands hurting.

(End of this chapter)

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