Chapter 666 Your masterpiece?

There were still a lot of people in the mall at this time, so the loud noise naturally attracted the attention of many people.

An Qiaoran instantly became the hot spot in the shop.

A mocking voice from the salesman sounded beside him, "Ah! Why are you so careless?"

An Qiaoran glared at the gloating salesman beside her, and was pulled by Aheng to stand up, looking at her with a little anger, "It was tripped me on purpose?"

There was nothing on the ground at all just now, but something caught her, who else could it be?

Hearing this, the salesman looked innocent, "What are you talking about? I have been standing by your side, how could I trip you up? Besides, you and I have no hatred, why should I hurt you so much? You are my What about customers!"

The salesperson's voice was loud, and there were more and more people watching. Everyone was pointing at An Qiaoran and whispering.

An Qiaoran and A Heng stood there, watching the people around them pointing fingers, they were in a very bad situation.

"Miss, this dress has already fallen on the floor. With so many people looking at it, it really can't be sold, so I can only wrap it up for you."

The salesperson said, looking at her with disgust in her eyes.

An Qiaoran heard the words, glanced at the clothes brought by the staff, and said darkly, "I just want the dark blue suit just now, the rest are your masterpieces and have nothing to do with me."

The mistake this time was caused by this woman, it had nothing to do with her at all, and her hand was injured by the model!Bruised and bruised.

As soon as An Qiaoran said this, the salesman became upset, "What are you talking about? So many people watched, obviously you fell and pushed these clothes to the ground, why is it still my masterpiece? ?”

Others obviously believed in the salesman's words. After all, seeing that An Qiaoran didn't look like a rich man, and he wasn't afraid of offending anyone, he said solemnly, "Miss, since it's already wrapped, if you don't pay the bill It’s really unreasonable.”

After others said that, An Qiaoran became even more upset, "It wasn't my fault in the first place, why should I pay the bill?"

"I don't think I can afford it!" The salesman said directly, standing in front of An Qiaoran, who was slightly taller than An Qiaoran because of the high heels she was wearing.

"Since you don't pay the bill, there's nothing we can do. We can only ask you to go to the police station." As the salesman said, two women came in and grabbed An Qiaoran's hand.

"What are you doing?" An Qiaoran struggled violently, but how could she be able to struggle against two people alone?So he was held tightly by two people, trying to drag him out.

Ah Heng was carrying a lot of snacks, and when he saw this situation, he was about to step forward to stop it, when a stern voice rang out in the hall.

"Stop me!"

The extremely cold and powerful voice attracted the onlookers involuntarily.

When the two women who grabbed An Qiaoran were looking at Lu Yuchen who was walking towards this side, they froze, staring at Lu Yuchen fascinated.

Seeing Lu Yuchen coming, An Qiaoran breathed a sigh of relief, took advantage of the gap between the two women, broke free from the restraints, looked at Lu Yuchen, "Why did you come?"

Lu Yuchen went straight to her side, glanced coldly at the three dull people, then turned to look at An Qiaoran, "What's going on?"

He just answered a phone call, and she was about to be dragged out?

"Here!" An Qiaoran let him take a look at the model who fell to the side.

Lu Yuchen looked at all the complicated things, and looked down at her, "Your masterpiece?"

(End of this chapter)

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