Chapter 667 Did You Trip Her?
"That's right." An Qiaoran said ambiguously, then pointed at the salesperson just now, "She tripped me, demanded that I pay money, and even took me to the police station."

Lu Yuchen looked in the direction of her finger, and saw the adoring salesman, his eyes narrowed dangerously, "Did you trip her?"

"No." The salesman shook his head, still looking at Lu Yuchen with such fondness on his face, "Sir, don't listen to her nonsense, she fell down by herself."

"Really?" Lu Yuchen obviously didn't believe it, "My wife can't lie! Ah Heng, tell me, is what An Qiaoran said true?"

Ah Heng was looking at Lu Yuchen's majesty. Hearing the words, he quickly echoed, "What the wife said is indeed the truth."

Lu Yuchen nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the salesman, "Did you hear that?"

"They've been here for a while, so they're naturally perjury." The salesman's face became a little flustered.

"False testimony?" Lu Yuchen repeated this sentence coldly, his face suddenly sank, "I think the salesman can do what you want, so he can be fired!"

The salesman's expression turned a little pale when he heard this, "Sir, I was hired by the store manager himself. If I want to dismiss, I'm afraid the store manager has the final say. It should have nothing to do with you as a customer."

"Heh!" Lu Yuchen sneered when he heard the words, "I'm afraid not only you, but even your store manager should be fired."

Lu Yuchen said coldly, looking at A Heng, "Call me the manager of LA, find out who the manager of this store is, who recommended him, and whoever let him pass the interview, I will be fired! Also, let that The manager came here to see me in person! He's limited to 10 minutes!"

Lu Yuchen's cold voice spread to every corner of the store, and the salesperson froze when he heard the words.

"Who the hell are you? How can you have such power?"

When it comes to calling the store manager, she has nothing to think about, but calling the general manager of LA, how big is LA, the general manager can see anyone?What's more, there is contact information.

This man is too simple.

After making the phone call, Ah Heng smiled helplessly when he heard this question, "Even a small general manager in LA can't see our President Lu, you are not qualified to know his identity."

When the salesperson heard this, her legs felt a little weak. Even though the matter had reached this point, she was still pretending to be calm.

Who else is the big guy that even the general manager can't see?Although she didn't know it, it sounded powerful.

Who did she offend?

Ten minutes later, the store manager and the manager came over one after the other. The salesman saw the store manager, as if he had seen a savior, and hurried over, "The store manager, this man is so shameless that he wants to fire us." .”

"Go away!" The store manager roared coldly, pushed her aside, and hurriedly greeted Lu Yuchen, "Why did Mr. Lu come?"

"You are the store manager?" Lu Yuchen glanced at the middle-aged man contemptuously.

"Yes, I am the manager of our store."

"I didn't say I wanted to see you!" Lu Yuchen said coldly, looking at the manager who was half a second late in responding.

With just one glance, the manager hurried over, "Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuchen glanced at the two of them with disdain, and looked at Ah Heng, "Your vision is so bad? Did this manager bribe you?"

These two people are the same breed, and I don't know how they got into LA.

Ah Heng Wenyan, the whole person was startled, "Mr. Lu, that's not true. Although I let him pass the interview, but at that time..."


Halfway through Ah Heng's speech, Lu Yuchen interrupted him in a cold voice, and looked at the manager coldly, "Your career as a manager is over, get out!"

He didn't want to waste time with these useless people.

(End of this chapter)

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