Chapter 678 Don't Be Dazed By Anger
An Qiaoran swallowed several mouthfuls of food angrily, almost choking.

She was just afraid that if she persuaded him to spend his birthday with the old lady, he wouldn't want to see her?I also asked Chen Lanyu out for dinner and went to the hotel!
Thinking about it, An Qiaoran felt very upset. He ate a lot and his mouth was full.

Seeing her like this, the maid on the side looked at each other with some inexplicable eyes.

In their impression, the wife has never been like this.

Seeing this, the grandmother on the opposite side was a little confused and couldn't help asking, "Ran Ran, what's wrong?"

Hearing her grandmother's worried words, An Qiaoran froze for a moment, swallowed the food in her mouth, and then spoke.

"No grandma, you eat slowly, and I will go out with Butler De."

After An Qiao finished speaking, he picked up the mobile phone on the table, and walked out with a dazed Nade.

"Young Madam, where are you going?" Nade passively followed An Qiaoran out of the gate of the villa, asking suspiciously.

"Catch rape!"

An Qiaoran squeezed out two words, then stopped and looked at Nade, "Housekeeper De, can you find the location of Lu Yuchen's phone, I want to know where he is?"

After thinking about it carefully, these words were all learned from Chen Lanyu's mouth. Although it made sense logically, she still had to go and see for herself, so as not to be dazzled by anger.

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Nade was taken aback, "Master's phone location...Young Madam, you want to..."

"Don't ask any more questions, I'm going to pick him up personally and make him kneel down for instant noodles!" An Qiaoran said fiercely.

He even asked Chen Lanyu out for dinner, didn't he know that she had plans for him?Still getting drunk in front of her, isn't this giving her a chance?

No matter what she said, she would not spare him lightly!

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Nade felt a little helpless, but still nodded, "Okay, I'll investigate right away."

An Qiaoran nodded, and called Lu Yuchen again. This time, it was a good thing, and the phone was turned off immediately.

Could it be that Chen Lanyu turned off the phone?What about Lu Yuchen?Still in the bathroom?How can it be such a coincidence?

"I found it, the young master is at the Noble Hotel." Nade looked at the display on the phone, and then looked at An Qiaoran.

Really at the hotel?OK!
An Qiaoran gritted his teeth, then opened the door and got in the car. Nade sat in the driver's seat, glanced at An Qiaoran in the back seat, and drove away without saying anything.


On the other side, Lu Yuchen came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, and saw Chen Lanyu holding her mobile phone.

Immediately, her eyes sharpened, she strode over, stretched out her hand to grab her, and looked at her coldly, "Who allowed you to touch my phone?"

Chen Lanyu didn't expect him to come out so soon, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Ran Ran called just now, I was afraid he would misunderstand you, so I answered it."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned slightly, An Qiaoran called?

For some reason, he suddenly remembered what the woman said to him in the office.

If he doesn't go back tonight, she will ask him to kneel down on instant noodles and sleep in the guest room...

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless, and lowered his head to look at his phone, but Chen Lanyu's voice rang out, "It's out of battery and turned off the phone."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked at the black screen, raised his eyes and glanced at her, only to realize that she was actually wearing a low-cut pajamas.

Seeing that he finally looked at her, Chen Lanyu's body tensed unconsciously, and she felt a little joy in her heart.

He thought that Lu Yuchen would take some action, but unexpectedly, he turned his eyes away indifferently.

"I hope you will remember what I told you. If you backtrack, don't blame me for being ruthless." Lu Yuchen said coldly, then took the suit on the sofa, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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