Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 679 Pain Is the True Experience of Love

Chapter 679 Pain Is the True Experience of Love

With a "bang", the door of the room was closed. Chen Lanyu stood there, her body stiff, and after a while, she sat down on the sofa weakly.

If it wasn't for An Qiaoran, he wouldn't have come to her, and if it wasn't for An Qiaoran, he wouldn't have drunk so much in front of her.

Everything he did was just for An Qiaoran.

Why... She was the one who met him first, she was his fiancée, but after a few years, why did he like An Qiaoran so much?Even, don't even look at her?

An Qiaoran and Nade rushed to the door of the private room of the hotel. Because of An Qiaoran's status, the waiter gave her the room card.

She swiped her card and went in without knocking on the door. Chen Lanyu, who was sitting on the sofa inside, was taken aback when she saw them, and slowly stood up, "Ran Ran, why are you here?"

An Qiaoran looked at her sexy outfit and felt a bad feeling in her heart, but she still said.

"Didn't you say that Lu Yuchen was drunk? I'll pick him up!" An Qiaoran said, looking around the room, but he didn't find Lu Yuchen, so he asked, "Where's Lu Yuchen?"

When Chen Lanyu heard this, there was no expression on her face, and there was a little sadness in her indifference, "Yuchen left 10 minutes ago."

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, exchanged glances with Nade, and then turned to Chen Lanyu, "When I called him, his phone was turned off, do you know what happened?"

"out of battery."

True or false?An Qiaoran didn't ask, but just nodded, "I see, big sister, you should go back quickly too! I'm leaving first."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, but Chen Lanyu suddenly stopped her, "Ran Ran!"

An Qiaoran asked, stopped, and Chen Lanyu came to her, looking at her with red and swollen eyes.

"Ran Ran, do you trust Yuchen?"

Chen Lanyu's question stunned An Qiaoran, do you believe Lu Yuchen?What does it mean?
Seeing An Qiaoran's blank face, Chen Lanyu continued, "I just want to know how much you love Yuchen."

How much does she love Lu Yuchen?
Hearing this, An Qiaoran thought about it seriously, and then looked at her and replied, "For him, I once left my life behind."

Chen Lanyu's body froze.

"Sister, don't ask me this kind of question in the future, because the depth of love for a person cannot be clearly expressed in words."

Talking too much is false, and answering can only comfort others. The real feeling is the heart.

"I can't put it into words..."

Chen Lanyu murmured these words repeatedly, and smiled wryly, "Perhaps, pain is the true experience of love."

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking, she went into the back room and ignored An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran looked at her lonely back, feeling unhappy.

She knew that Chen Lanyu loved Lu Yuchen with the kind of heartbreaking love.She also cherishes having her as a big sister.

However, a lover cannot be shared, no matter what, she will not give up Lu Yuchen.

The eldest sister's character is too difficult to judge, she can't understand it thoroughly.

"Young Madam?"

Seeing her in a daze, Nade called her.

An Qiaoran recovered and glanced at him, "Maybe Lu Yuchen has already gone back, let's go back too!"

Nade nodded.

When An Qiaoran and Nade returned to the villa, they asked grandma, but Lu Yuchen hadn't come back yet.

It takes half an hour to drive from the hotel to here. He left more than ten minutes earlier, so it should be impossible not to arrive.

But now, he really hasn't come back.

(End of this chapter)

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