Chapter 680 The Legendary Ear Rake
An Qiaoran sat on the sofa, feeling nervous for no reason, "Could something happen to him?"

"It should be fine," Nader said.

"But he drank, wouldn't it be dangerous to drive?" Chen Lanyu said that he drank a lot of alcohol, how could he still drive?

Nade's face became a little heavy when he heard the words, but he still shook his head, "No, although the young master doesn't drink much, but the amount of alcohol is not that bad, young lady, don't worry!"

"Chen Lanyu said he was very drunk." The more An Qiaoran said, the more frightened she became, "No, I'm going to look for him, Housekeeper De, hurry up and send more people to look for him, I'm afraid something will happen to him."

As An Qiaoran said, he ran out of the villa first. Nade tried to stop her, but An Qiaoran had already run out.

"Young Madam!" Nade hurriedly chased after her.

An Qiaoran ran outside the iron gate, and a black commercial vehicle stopped in front of her.

A person got out of the car, it was Ah Heng.

This is Lu Yuchen's car, how could it be Ah Heng?
"Where's Lu Yuchen?" An Qiaoran asked hastily.

A Heng glanced at the back seat, and said, "Boss Lu is in the car."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran hurried forward and opened the door of the back seat, and Lu Yuchen was lying inside.

"Lu Yuchen! Wake up!" An Qiaoran reached out to pat his hand, but he didn't respond.

An Qiaoran panicked, "What happened to him?"

Ah Heng didn't answer first, but glanced at Nade, "Help him in first!"

After Nade and Ah Heng helped Lu Yuchen to the bedroom on the third floor, An Qiao brought a basin to wipe the sweat off his brow.

After taking a bath, I still smelled of alcohol all over my body.

An Qiaoran frowned, tidied up Lu Yuchen, and then looked at Ah Heng, "What's going on here?"

Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't come back, she was very worried.

"I was the one who saw Boss Lu in the underground parking lot. Seeing that he was drunk, I brought him back."

After Ah Heng finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa, poured a glass of water and drank it.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he met Ah Heng before driving, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

After thinking about it, An Qiaoran still looked at Ah Heng and said, "Thank you."

Thinking about how she let him have his salary deducted today, she still feels a little bit sorry.

"I'm a little self-willed at noon today, don't take offense." An Qiaoran said apologetically.

Ah Heng took a sip of water, heard the words, and smiled indifferently, "I understand."

As Ah Heng said, he stood up, "Since Boss Lu is fine, I'll leave first."

"Okay, Steward De, help me see him off." An Qiaoran said.

Shocked, Nade nodded and left with Ah Heng.

The bedroom door was closed, An Qiaoran sat by the bed, looking at Lu Yuchen who was asleep, feeling a little helpless.

Why is he always drunk because of the old lady again and again?And get drunk every time.

The smell of alcohol is really bad.

An Qiaoran thought about it, reached out his hand mischievously, scratched the tip of his nose, and said disgustedly, "The whole body smells of alcohol, it smells so bad."

The sleeping man didn't respond.

An Qiaoran thought it was very interesting, so he looked at his ears again, smiled secretly, and stretched out his hand to pinch his earlobe.

So soft and so cute.

An Qiaoran smiled happily, took off his shoes and went to bed, knelt on the bed, pinched his earlobes with both hands, the more he pinched, the more cute he felt.

Why are Lu Yuchen's ears so soft?Could it be the legendary raking ears?

Rake ears, as the name suggests, is to listen to the daughter-in-law very much, and the daughter-in-law does not dare to say anything.

But it seemed that Lu Yuchen didn't listen to her very much, even if he was asked to celebrate the old lady's birthday, he would not go.

(End of this chapter)

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