Chapter 689 Pregnant with his child...

She never thought that Chen Lanyu would say that about her?

In the past, no matter what happened, she didn't care about it. Why does she say that about her now?To insult her like this?

An Qiaoran turned around and wanted to go in, but suddenly heard a "pop", followed by Lu Yuchen's furious voice.

"Calling An Qiaoran, who gave you the qualification? No one will judge An Qiaoran in this life!"

An Qiaoran saw the situation, it was Lu Yuchen who beat someone, how could he stay?Go forward and go in.

Unexpectedly, the voice of the old lady suddenly sounded.

"Yuchen, how could you hit Lan Yu with your hands?"

"She insulted An Qiaoran, she deserves to be beaten!"

"You can't beat her, she is pregnant with your child! What if something happens to the child in her belly?"

The old lady said that she hated iron for being weak.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was taken aback again, his whole body froze, and his brain hadn't reacted yet.

Chen Lanyu is pregnant with Lu Yuchen's child...

How is this possible?impossible!
An Qiaoran rushed in quickly, and beside the sofa inside, Chen Lanyu stood beside the old lady covering half of her face, and the old lady stretched out her hand to support her.

Before Lu Yuchen could react, An Qiaoran had already rushed over and looked at the old lady, "Old lady, what did you just say?"

"An Qiaoran..."

Seeing her coming in, Lu Yuchen frowned and took her hand.

An Qiaoran ignored him, and just looked at the old lady with concern, "Old lady, answer me, what did you just say?"

The old lady didn't expect that she had slipped her tongue, so she had no choice but to make a mistake, and looked at An Qiaoran, "An Qiaoran, you heard clearly, Lan Yu is already pregnant with Yuchen's child, and it has been more than a month."

It's been more than a month...

An Qiaoran suffered a huge blow and took a step back...

Chen Lanyu has been pregnant for more than a month, this is impossible!

"Impossible... I don't believe it..." An Qiaoran shook her head and looked at Chen Lanyu, reaching out to grab her hand, "Sister, tell me this is not true, you and Lu Yuchen, how is this possible? This is impossible!"

Chen Lanyu originally didn't want to tell anyone, but when she saw An Qiaoran's "disappointed" look, she gave up the idea of ​​explaining, grabbed her hand tightly, and said while looking at her.

"It's true. Last time, after the old lady pretended to be sick and knocked Yuchen unconscious, he climbed into my bed. Otherwise, why would I be in his bathroom when you went in the morning?"

Hearing this, fragments of memories broke into An Qiaoran's mind, what the old lady said to her that morning, and Chen Lanyu who came out of Lu Yuchen's bathroom...

The more An Qiaoran thought about it, the more panicked she became.

"Sister, you lied to me, Lu Yuchen never touched you at all!" An Qiaoran said in a panic, looking at Lu Yuchen behind her, "Lu Yuchen, tell me you didn't touch her, the child in her stomach is not yours at all , tell me!"

Seeing her so excited and her bloodshot eyes, Lu Yuchen felt a pain in his heart, and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

"Stupid woman, I didn't touch her, don't listen to her nonsense!"

As Lu Yuchen said, he looked up at Chen Lanyu, gritted his teeth and said, "What nonsense are you talking about in front of An Qiaoran?"

Seeing him like this, Chen Lanyu was stunned, her eyes filled with tears of grievance, "Yuchen, how could you do this? This child is yours. That night, you were influenced by Anshenxiang and regarded me as a An Qiaoran, have you forgotten? How could you do this? I am really pregnant with your child now."

(End of this chapter)

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