Chapter 690 Won't Let Him Stay

Looking at the tears of grievance in Chen Lanyu's eyes, An Qiaoran also felt a little suspicious in his heart, and looked at Lu Yuchen, "Is this true? Are you..."

"Shut up!" Lu Yuchen growled at her, "Is that why you trust her?"

This dead woman only knew nonsense all day, but she really believed it, and shed tears without any hope.

"But...that were indeed unconscious." An Qiaoran said with red eyes.

If all this was arranged by the old lady, then what else is there to say?Chen Lanyu is now pregnant, saying nothing will help.

"I'm not conscious, but I'm not sleepwalking." Lu Yuchen looked at her with concern, "An Qiaoran, didn't you say you believed me at the time? What do you mean by doubting now?"

"I don't doubt you..."

An Qiaoran lowered her head and said, and raised her eyes to look at Chen Lanyu, "Eldest sister is pregnant, she said it was yours, should I just ignore it like a bystander?"

"An Qiaoran, I said this woman is talking nonsense!" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran helplessly, feeling helpless at her current suspicion.

An Qiaoran listened to Lu Yuchen's vigorous explanation, raised her eyes to look at him, and was about to say something, when Chen Lanyu on the side continued.

"I'm not talking nonsense, Yuchen, I'm really pregnant with your child, otherwise, you'd ask the housekeeper to feel my pulse..."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stared at her intently, with his thin lips tightly pursed, and looked at the butler behind him.

The housekeeper understood, stepped forward to feel Chen Lanyu's pulse, and after a while, looked at Lu Yuchen, "Miss Chen is indeed pregnant with a child for more than a month."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's face instantly turned pale, and he stood there trembling slightly.

After Lu Yuchen heard the butler's words, his whole face sank, he stepped forward and kicked him, and shouted angrily, "Can you please stop talking nonsense and check it out for me! "

He didn't even touch her. Where did she get a child?What did she do to force An Qiaoran to leave?No expense was spared.

The butler was kicked so badly by Lu Yuchen that he fell down on the sofa, clutching his painful chest.

"Master, the pulse condition is correct. If you don't believe it, you can go to the hospital for an examination."


Lu Yuchen was still about to say something, but a figure suddenly flashed past him, and before he realized it, An Qiaoran was already running outside desperately.

"An Qiaoran!" Lu Yuchen called her, but she didn't seem to hear her, and she didn't stop for a moment.


Lu Yuchen cursed in a low voice, and was about to catch up with him, but Chen Lanyu suddenly hugged his arm.

"Yuchen, aren't you happy that I'm pregnant with your child? Don't leave, okay?" Chen Lanyu looked at Lu Yuchen with blurred eyes, begging bitterly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen paused, and looked down at her with deep eyes.

Just when Chen Lanyu thought that Lu Yuchen would stay, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and he shook her hand away forcefully.

"Ah!" Chen Lanyu was unsteady and almost fell to the ground, thinking that the old lady had helped her in time, and looked at her grandson dissatisfied, "Yuchen, Lan Yu is still pregnant, I can't bear you like this."

Lu Yuchen couldn't care less about her, he stared fixedly at Chen Lanyu who was already crying badly, and growled with gritted teeth.

"No matter how your child was conceived or whose offspring it is, I won't let him stay! Chen Lanyu, you'd better take him yourself, otherwise, I will have ten thousand ways to get rid of him!"

(End of this chapter)

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