Chapter 691 He Will Not Be So Heartless

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking harshly, he glared at her, turned and left mercilessly.

"Yuchen, don't!" Chen Lanyu quickly knelt down on the carpet, grabbed the corner of his trousers tightly, wept so sadly, her face was full of tears, "This is your child, I didn't lie to you, it's true It's your child, you can't be so cruel to take him away."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stared at her with lowered eyes, his face extremely gloomy, "You are still talking nonsense to me until now? You know how this child came to be. If you say that it is my child again, I will finish it with my own hands. he!"

Lu Yuchen's words were cold and heartless, and Chen Lanyu cried even more sadly when he heard the words.

"This child really belongs to you, Yuchen, why are you so cruel that you don't even let your own child go?"

"This is your bastard!" Lu Yuchen growled.

"No...this is your child!" Chen Lanyu shook her head desperately.

"Nonsense! I never touched you! Why do you talk nonsense in front of An Qiaoran?"

Thinking of how that woman An Qiaoran was hurt, his heart ached, and all of this was caused by this damned woman.

When Chen Lanyu heard the words, she paused for a moment, and the pleading in her eyes instantly turned into resentment and unwillingness.

Slowly, she stood up and looked at Lu Yuchen, "Is there only An Qiaoran in your heart? For her, you would rather kill our child?"

"Don't put gold on your face, this child, I have never admitted it!" Lu Yuchen said, looking at her with disgust, "You'd better get rid of him yourself, don't force me to do it myself!"

After speaking harshly, Lu Yuchen turned around and left.

Looking at Lu Yuchen's resolute back, Chen Lanyu slumped down on the carpet helplessly, with nothing but resignation in her eyes.

"Why? Yuchen, why did he treat me like this? This is his child. Why did he sentence him to death without any thought after he found out? I begged him so hard, why did he feel a little moved? This Why? Am I that inferior to An Qiaoran?"

Seeing her so decadent, the old lady felt a little helpless, knelt down to look at her, and wiped her tears with her hand.

"Lan Yu, don't be so sad, it's not good for the child." The old lady said kindly, "Don't worry, I watched Yuchen grow up anyway, if he really won't let this child go, he won't leave just now gone."

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu looked up at her with hope in his eyes, "Really?"

"Really." The old lady nodded, "Even if the child was stolen, it still belongs to him. He has been a father once, so he must be reluctant to part with it. Don't worry, once he figures it out, he will be fine."

Chen Lanyu fell silent after hearing the words.

An Qiaoran, because he couldn't accept this fact, ran out first.As for Lu Yuchen, he followed closely behind, and must have gone to find An Qiaoran.

In order to appease An Qiaoran, he will definitely take the child in her womb...

No... Impossible, he won't be so cruel, this is his child.

The old lady watched Chen Lanyu tense and shook her head for a while, understood the grievance in her heart, hugged her in her arms, and patted her on the back as if to comfort her.


After An Qiaoran left the Lu's house, she kept running forward, not knowing where she went, her heart felt like thousands of ants piercing her heart, the pain was extremely painful, and her tears kept falling.

In the end, she was tired from running, and her footsteps stopped slowly. It began to rain lightly in the sky. Accompanied by thunder and lightning, the rain became heavier and heavier, and she also squatted on the side of the road, hugging her hands. He cried out heartbreakingly.

(End of this chapter)

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