Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 694 Two people inside and outside the house

Chapter 694 Two people inside and outside the house (2)

In the past, she believed in him and trusted him so much, why couldn't she think in a better way at this time?Why didn't you come and quarrel with him?At least that way, he felt better.

An Qiaoran, what should he do to cheer her up, she doesn't know, there is only a door between him and her, but he can't touch her, can't talk to her.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran staring at the child in a daze, his eyes were tightly locked on her face, from this angle he could only see her side face, her face was expressionless.

"Master, Miss Zhao is here, she's downstairs!" Nade walked behind him at some point and said to him.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen turned around, glanced at Nade, and then walked towards the stairs.

Downstairs, Zhao Qiaoqiao stood there alone, and when she saw Lu Yuchen approaching, she hurriedly said, "Young Master Lu came here to find me for something?"

She received a call from Ah Heng early in the morning, saying that Lu Yuchen wanted her to come over immediately, but she didn't say why.

"Something happened to An Qiaoran, go and persuade her." Lu Yuchen looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao and said.

After thinking about it for so many days, he knew the relationship between Zhao Qiaoqiao and An Qiaoran, so he could only let her try.

After all, Grandma, Nade, and Ah Heng tried it all, but it didn't work.

Zhao Qiaoqiao was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked worriedly, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Seeing Lu Yuchen's serious face, what will happen to Ran Ran?

Lu Yuchen just pursed his lips and didn't answer his words. He just turned around and said as he walked, "Follow me upstairs."

Zhao Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, but followed his footsteps and went upstairs with him.

Zhao Qiaoqiao and Lu Yuchen came to the baby's room together, and Lu Yuchen stopped in front of the glass window, staring at An Qiaoran inside.

Zhao Qiaoqiao followed his gaze and saw An Qiaoran who was sitting motionless in front of the crib inside, and asked subconsciously, "What's wrong with Ran Ran? Why is she sitting there motionless? Are you looking at the baby? "


Lu Yuchen didn't respond, his eyes were fixed on An Qiaoran, and he pursed his lips after a while and said, "Go knock on the door, go in, and talk to her."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he glanced at An Qiaoran again, then turned and left, leaving behind a dazed Zhao Qiaoqiao.

"Hey! Young Master Lu, where are you going? You haven't told me what happened?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at Lu Yuchen's back and shouted, but Lu Yuchen didn't seem to hear it, and left without stopping for a moment.

Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at Lu Yuchen's disappearing back, very dazed.

What the hell happened?Why is Lu Yuchen so eccentric, and Ran Ran also...

Zhao Qiaoqiao was a little worried when she saw An Qiaoran inside through the window.

Just now Lu Yuchen asked her to come up to persuade Ran Ran, what is going on?

Looking at An Qiaoran's lonely back, Zhao Qiaoqiao was a little worried, so she walked to the door, raised her hand, and knocked gently on the door.

no response...

Zhao Qiaoqiao was even more worried, and knocked on the door a little harder, shouting while knocking, "Ran Ran, I'm Qiao Qiao, please open the door."


Still no response, what should I do?
Zhao Qiaoqiao had no choice but to knock on the door a few times, but An Qiaoran didn't come to open it, so she ran out of the window and patted the glass, looking at An Qiaoran inside and shouted, "Ran Ran, I'm here to see you, please open it quickly." Is the door okay? Tell me something."

(End of this chapter)

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