Chapter 695
"Ran Ran, didn't you say we are best friends? What happened? Open the door and tell me. I'll be very worried if you do this."


No matter what Zhao Qiaoqiao outside said or shouted, no matter how loudly she knocked on the glass window, An Qiaoran inside was always sitting by the crib without any reaction, and had no intention of paying attention to her at all.

The whole person seems to be in a trance, with all five sense organs lost, as if he has no perception of everything in the outside world.

Seeing An Qiaoran like this, Zhao Qiaoqiao became even more nervous.

What the hell is going on here?Why did Ran Ran become like this?

Zhao Qiaoqiao knocked on the door and yelled for a long time here, but An Qiaoran didn't respond. In the end, she had no way to enter the baby's room, so she had to go to Lu Yuchen.

"What? Even you can't help it?" Lu Yuchen looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao in surprise.

Zhao Qiaoqiao shook her head.

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen's face became more dignified for you.

Zhao Qiaoqiao is her best friend, but An Qiaoran won't open the door for her, so who else can go in?
For An Qiaoran, he really had no choice.

An Qiaoran, why did she torture him like this?Is there anything you can't come out and say?Why does she keep hiding in there?
He has pampered her for a week, this time, he will not pamper her again.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuchen stood up on the sofa, walked out the door, and walked towards the baby's room...

"Sir." The maid carrying the food nodded to Lu Yuchen.

This maid was the one who delivered food to An Qiaoran. An Qiaoran would not open the door when everyone knocked on it. She would only open the door to those who delivered food.

Lu Yuchen pursed his thin lips, took the food from the maid's hand, and said, "Knock."

Seeing this, the maid was stunned, "Sir, you are..."

"I asked you to knock on the door." Lu Yuchen reminded in a bad tone.

The maid noticed Lu Yuchen's cold eyes, so how could she dare to hesitate to ask more questions?He reached out and knocked on the door, and said to An Qiaoran inside.

"Ma'am, it's time for dinner."

An Qiaoran would only open the door during meal time, so in less than three seconds, the door of the baby room was opened, and a haggard An Qiaoran came into Lu Yuchen's eyes.

I haven't seen him for a week, and he has become so haggard?

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen who was standing outside the door, and was obviously taken aback for a moment, but then she stretched out her hand as if she didn't see him, wanting to take the food in his hand...

But Lu Yuchen didn't let go, just looked at her and said, "I'll bring it in for you."

"no need."

An Qiaoran refused, but Lu Yuchen didn't intend to give her the food, "If you don't eat, I'll take it away."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran stared blankly for a while, without saying anything, turned around and entered the room, and sat on the side of the crib.

Lu Yuchen looked at her slender back, felt a little distressed, and walked in with the food.Put the meal on the table next to the crib and sit on the chair.

An Qiaoran didn't look at Lu Yuchen, just picked up the food on the table and started to eat.

Lu Yuchen was sitting at the table, watching her eating without speaking.

If she didn't have this child, she might not even eat, so thanks to this child.

An Qiaoran didn't even look at Lu Yuchen until the meal was finished, but just stared at the baby in the crib in a trance.

This feeling of being ignored by others is really uncomfortable, so Lu Yuchen's heart is very tormented.

(End of this chapter)

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