Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 729 Tenderness is only for An Qiaoran

Chapter 729 Tenderness is only for An Qiaoran

"Young Master Lu, I'm Qiao Yu, please open the door."

Qiao Yu...

This name disturbed Lu Yuchen to the extreme, and he really wanted to ignore her, but he didn't want to hear her rambling voice outside.

So, he walked to the door impatiently, opened it, looked at the beautifully dressed woman outside, and frowned displeasedly, "What's the matter?"

Seeing Lu Yuchen, Qiao Yu turned cold, and then said, "I don't think you ate much at the banquet, so I made some for you alone. Try it and see if it tastes good."

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, before Lu Yuchen could respond, she pushed open the door and walked in, placing the tray on the table.

Lu Yuchen looked at the food on the table and was very displeased, but considering her status was not easy to offend, he could only say, "I don't want to eat, take it away!"

After finishing speaking, he sat down in front of the sofa, turned on his phone, and searched for An Qiaoran's photos, but they disappeared after only two or three pages.

This time, An Qiaoran's disappearance gave him the biggest warning. He took too few photos of An Qiaoran before, which could not relieve his lovesickness at all.

Qiao Yu was a little unwilling to be rejected so decisively by him, so she made her own decision, picked up a bowl of lean meat porridge, and sat beside Lu Yuchen with a smile.

"Young Master Lu, I've been suffering for a long time, you'd better eat some! Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for me."

Qiao Yu said, and brought a spoonful to Lu Yuchen's mouth, "Young Master Lu, you can eat some!"

Lu Yuchen was irritated by her forced actions, and stared at her coldly, "I'll give you three seconds, get out!"

"Young Master Lu..." Qiao Yu was startled by his angry appearance.

"Get out!" Lu Yuchen growled coldly.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu didn't dare to stay any longer, she just left with the tray in her hand, and hurried out the door, as if she was afraid that Lu Yuchen would chase her out.

She looked back while walking, and didn't pay much attention to the road ahead, but bumped into Qiao Ze and Qiao Feng.

"Ah!" Qiao Yu was obviously frightened and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Qiao Feng supported her.

"Why are you in such a panic? Why are you still carrying these things?" Qiao Feng looked at his cousin and asked.

Qiao Yu stood firm and noticed that Qiao Ze and Qiao Feng were both watching. After thinking for a while, he said, "It's like this. I saw that Young Master Lu didn't eat much, so I made some for him. What about you? What? Are you looking for Young Master Lu?"

After Qiao Yu said so much, she hoped that they would forget about her cooking. Unexpectedly, Qiao Feng did not forget at all, and teased her for a while.

"You can also cook? I'm afraid the maid did it. Did you send it?" Qiao Feng said, glanced at the food and porridge, and said, "It seems that he doesn't appreciate it at all. what!"


Qiao Yu looked at him resentfully.

Qiao Feng completely ignored it, "But it's normal, Young Master Lu is notoriously indifferent, not to mention you posted it upside down, so he naturally doesn't bother to talk to you."

"Who said Young Master Lu is indifferent?" Qiao Yu was unhappy, and gave Qiao Feng a blank look, "The last time he came here, I saw him smile at that An Qiaoran, and he cared about her very much! He is not cold-blooded at all. Is it okay to be indifferent?"

"My good cousin, you are so naive." Qiao Feng said regretfully, "An Qiaoran is his wife, if he didn't care about her, love her, and smile at her, how could he marry her?"

As Qiao Feng said, he patted Qiao Yu's head, "You should give up your heart! Young Master Lu's gentleness has always been only for An Qiaoran, and will not leave half a point for others!"

(End of this chapter)

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