Chapter 730 Must Marry Lu Yuchen!
"I don't believe it!" Qiao Yu said swearingly, "I will definitely get Lu Shao's approval. Besides, that An Qiaoran has been locked up, and it's not certain whether he will come back or not!"

As soon as Qiao Yu said this, Qiao Ze, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Yu'er, Young Master Lu and An Qiaoran are a match made in heaven, don't try to get involved, stop messing around, and don't bother Young Master Lu again. ,move!"

"Uncle...why do you even say that? I like Young Master Lu very much, and I want to be his wife."

"Nonsense!" Qiao Ze scolded coldly, obviously annoyed by what she said, "Go back to your room quickly, don't let me hear such words again!"

"Uncle! Why? I just like Young Master Lu, and I'm going to marry him!" Qiao Yu was so angry that she couldn't hold back her words.

"He has a wife!" Qiao Feng felt helpless towards this cousin.

"That An Qiaoran has already been captured and locked up in a very mysterious place. He can't find it. After a long time, Young Master Lu will forget about her. Then I still have a chance .”

As Qiao Yu said, she glared at Qiao Feng angrily, "You don't believe me, you don't want me and Lu Shaocheng, do you? Okay! Then I'll show you how I became Mrs. Lu!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking angrily, she threw the tray on the ground and walked away empty-handed.

"This Qiao Yu! I don't know how her aunt educated her! Educated her like this!" Qiao Ze looked at Qiao Yu who left, and said bitterly.

Qiao Feng on the side seemed to be thinking about something, his eyes changed slightly, and he was silent for a moment, he said, "Father, I'll go and persuade her, you go see Young Master Lu first!"

"Alright!" Joze nodded.

Qiao Feng followed Qiao Yu all the way to Mrs. Qiao's room, and heard the conversation between Qiao Yu and Mrs. Qiao.

"Aunt, uncle and cousin, they all disagree with me and Young Master Lu because of An Qiaoran. You love me the most, and you must not let that An Qiaoran out! Otherwise, Young Master Lu and I will be together." It's over."

Qiao Feng, who was outside the door, was stunned when he heard these words.

It turned out that Mrs. Lu was kidnapped by her mother, and she was locked up?Why is that?
"Yu'er, it's not that my aunt doesn't support you, it's just that Lu Yuchen is really stubborn, he won't be tempted by you, even if there is no An Qiaoran, he won't marry you."

"Auntie, why do you even say that about me? I don't care, I will marry Lu Yuchen, as long as you don't release An Qiaoran, I will have my way."

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Sensing that Qiao Yu was about to come out, Qiao Feng hurried to the corner of the corridor. When Qiao Yu came out, he didn't see him.

Looking at the back of Qiao Yu leaving, Qiao Feng's expression was very uneasy.

Could it be that everything my mother did was for my cousin?However, judging from the conversation just now, she doesn't really agree with her cousin and Young Master Lu!

Then why did she kidnap Mrs. Lu?

Incomparable doubts emerged in Qiao Feng's heart. Only Mrs. Qiao could answer these doubts for him, so...he walked to Mrs. Qiao's door and knocked on the door.

A moment later, the door was opened, and Mrs. Qiao, who was wearing a mask, stood in front of Qiao Feng.

"Feng'er? It's so late, why are you here?" Mrs. Qiao took off the mask and looked at Qiao Feng in surprise.

"I... come to see you, mother."

"Come in!" Mrs. Qiao laughed and stepped aside. Qiao Feng walked in, and she closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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