Chapter 731 Do You Like An Qiaoran?

Qiao Feng walked to the sofa and sat down. Mrs. Qiao sat across from him, looked at him, and asked, "Feng'er, what must be the reason for looking for me so late?"

Qiao Feng looked at Mrs. Qiao consistently, there was nothing unnatural on her face, as usual.

It turned out that he hadn't discovered that his mother's acting skills were still very good, and she kept Mrs. Lu locked up for so many days, and she didn't show any flaws.

If it hadn't been for Qiao Yu's slip of the tongue... probably he would never have guessed it.

"Why didn't you speak?" Madam Qiao couldn't help asking when she saw that he was silent.

Qiao Feng looked at her and said softly, "Mother, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter? You have such a serious face? Just ask if you have anything!" Mrs. Qiao still had a kind smile on her face, which made Qiao Feng a little embarrassed.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked, "Mother, you know about the disappearance of Young Master Lu's wife who was kidnapped here from Beicheng, right?"

As soon as Qiao Feng said this, Mrs. Qiao's complexion changed a lot, and the smile on her face became unnatural, "I know! Didn't your father ask you to send someone to look for it? What's wrong? There's news ?”

Qiao Feng nodded, "There is some news."

As he said that, Qiao Feng continued to observe Mrs. Qiao's strange expression. He really couldn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly, "Mother, An Qiaoran, was you kidnapped?"

Qiao Feng's words made Mrs. Qiao's whole face change, "Feng, what are you talking about? How could I kidnap An Qiaoran? Don't say she is Lu Yuchen's wife, I dare not offend her, even if it is really me, then What reason do I have?"

As Madam Qiao said, she stretched out her hand to cover Qiao Feng's, looked at him, and said earnestly, "Feng'er, I know you really want to find An Qiaoran due to Lu Yuchen's pressure, but you can't guess like this! Mother is not like that."

Qiao Feng watched his mother performing for him earnestly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and took her hand back.

"I heard the conversation you had with Qiao Yu in the room just now, and you still want to hide it from me?" Qiao Feng's tone was a little cold because of anger.

It was his cold and hard tone that made Mrs. Qiao's complexion suddenly change, she looked at Qiao Feng in a panic, "What... what? Did you hear it all?"

"Yes, I heard it all, mother, why did you do this?"

Qiao Feng really wanted to get his mother's answer, but no matter how he asked, Mrs. Qiao didn't answer him.

In his opinion, there was no reason for his mother to send someone to North City to tie An Qiaoran here. Even if it was really for Qiao Yu, it was absolutely impossible to spend such a lot of effort.

He really couldn't think of any reasonable reason.

Seeing Qiao Feng staring at her so persistently, Mrs. Qiao regretted what she did at the beginning, but it was hard to tell the truth.

"Mother, even if you don't tell me why, can you tell me where you locked her? I must find her."

Qiao Feng's firm words stunned Mrs. Qiao, "Feng'er, why do you care so much about An Qiaoran?"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng was stunned for a moment, his eyes dodged something, and he said casually, "I didn't care about her, but Young Master Lu asked me to look for her, so I naturally have to pay more attention."

"Even if Lu Yuchen asked you to look for it, you wouldn't be so wholehearted." Madam Qiao said, looking straight at Qiao Feng, "Feng'er, tell me, do you like An Qiaoran?"

(End of this chapter)

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