Chapter 746 A Different Kiss


Hearing this word again, An Qiaoran was in a daze. Looking at his handsome face, he chuckled, "Of course I don't work hard for your wife, it's you who worked hard."

In order for her to eat his...unknown food, he worked really hard.

Lu Yuchen looked at her with deep eyes, and An Qiaoran also looked at him. Gradually, Lu Yuchen's head began to approach her, and his thin lips came before her eyes.

I don't know why, after knowing what he was going to do, An Qiaoran's heart beat a little faster for no reason, his face also turned red for no reason, and he stared at him blankly.

Lu Yuchen's thin lips stopped around her lips, as if he had noticed her change, his thin lips curled slightly, and said, "Get out!"

An Qiaoran was stunned, as if he hadn't reacted, he purposely got so close to her just to say this?

An Qiaoran thought about it, felt a little lost, reached out and hugged his head, stood on tiptoe, pouted, "I won't leave, what can you do to me?"

Just as Lu Yuchen was about to answer, An Qiaoran suddenly kissed his lips, and the lips covered his lips softly.

It's been a long time since I felt this way, and Lu Yuchen trembled like an electric shock.

When he was about to clasp her head to deepen the kiss, she suddenly let him go, "Let's go, take your time!"

After speaking, she turned around and left.

Lu Yuchen's body froze in place, looking at the closed door, he was in a terrible mood.


An Qiaoran left the kitchen and reached out to touch her lips, where Lu Yuchen's breath was still there.

I don't know why, after more than ten days of parting, the kiss this time seems to be more flavorful than usual.


An Qiaoran was still recalling the kiss just now, when a woman's voice rang in her ears.

An Qiaoran regained consciousness, turned to look at Yu Huan who was speaking, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay... I just want to wake you up when I see you in a daze." Yu Huan said with a smile, still a little naughty.

An Qiaoran smiled and didn't speak. He sat down on the sofa, drank a glass of water, remembered what Madam Qiao said in the wooden house, and caressed the pendant on his neck subconsciously.

If, as Mrs. Qiao said, this pendant is the same workmanship and material as the fake pendant, she insists on exchanging it with her.

Perhaps, there is some mystery about this pendant of hers, something related to the Qiao family.

Just as An Qiaoran was thinking, Nade, who was holding the child, came in, followed by maids lined up in two rows.

Seeing Nade coming with the child in his arms, An Qiaoran quickly stood up and walked over, "Housekeeper De..."

"The child is already asleep. I'll take her to the baby room first." Nade made a silent gesture to her, and then whispered.

"Yeah." An Qiaoran nodded, looking at the sleeping child, wanted to reach out to hug her, but was afraid of waking her up.

Nade went upstairs with the child in his arms. An Qiaoran looked at the standing maids and seemed to understand something, so he asked.

"Are you from the Lu family?"

Nade went to Lu's house, and now he brought so many maids back, if she guessed correctly, these must be Lu's maids, and Lu Yuchen asked Nade to bring them.

"Yes." The maids replied in unison.


She guessed right.

The old lady sent away all the maids in the other courtyard and asked grandma to do the cleaning. According to Lu Yuchen's temper, he could do such a thing.

But this time, An Qiaoran remained neutral to Lu Yuchen's approach, neither opposing nor agreeing, just ignoring it.

(End of this chapter)

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