Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 747 The So-Called 'Mixed Sauce Noodles'

Chapter 747 The So-Called 'Mixed Sauce Noodles'

For the old lady's way of taking advantage of the situation this time, she was really disappointed.

She really didn't understand, as an old man, why did she have to embarrass grandma?
Just because you are dissatisfied with her, you want to take your anger out on grandma?

Grandma is her bottom line, no matter what, she will never forgive the old lady.

In the afternoon, the baby woke up, and An Qiaoran went to breastfeed the baby. As soon as he put the baby to sleep, Lu Yuchen walked in with a bowl of...something...something.

"what is this?"

Lu Yuchen put the bowl on the table, and An Qiaoran asked impatiently.

In the bowl, the noodles are not like noodles, the noodles are not like noodles, and the soup is still black.

"This is the miscellaneous sauce noodles I made for you." Lu Yuchen said, and handed her the chopsticks, "Try it and see how it tastes."

"Miscellaneous sauce noodles?" An Qiaoran looked at the contents in the bowl and exclaimed, "So this is the result of your busy two hours?"

Just a bowl of mixed sauce noodles?

And that dark soup?Is it soy sauce?So, called mixed sauce noodles?Just put a lot of soy sauce?
Don't know what the taste is like?Anyway, she felt that the taste should not be very good.

"What are you doing in a daze? Eat quickly!" Seeing that she was not moving with the chopsticks, Lu Yuchen urged.

He can't wait to know what the result of his busy work for a long time will be.


An Qiaoran looked at the dark bowl, not knowing what expression it was.

It feels... If she eats it, will she... get food poisoning?

"Lu Yuchen... I... am not hungry, why don't I eat later?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and tried to ask.

"Aren't you hungry?" Lu Yuchen listened to these two words, his eyes questioned her deeply, "Are you're not hungry? You haven't eaten for nearly five hours?"


"Your digestion is too poor, I'll let Nade show you." Lu Yuchen said, then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"No, no, no!" Seeing this, An Qiaoran hurriedly stopped her. She didn't want to take medicine.

Lu Yuchen looked at her.

An Qiaoran looked a little guilty, lowered his head, and said, "I just ate a pack of instant noodles an hour ago, and I'm still not hungry. It has nothing to do with the digestive system, so there's no need to alarm Butler De."

"Heh! You are quite considerate of him." Lu Yuchen said in a strange way.

"You think too much. Of course I'm not thinking about him anymore. I'm just thinking about myself."

An Qiaoran said resentfully, "I'm really not hungry, and I can't even eat now. I can't taste anything, right? Wouldn't it be a waste of your kindness?"


Lu Yuchen looked at her and remained silent.

"Don't look at me like that, it makes me flustered." An Qiaoran lowered his head and said uncomfortably.

"Panic? I think you are lying." Lu Yuchen said with some dissatisfaction, lifted the bowl of noodles on the table, and put it in front of An Qiaoran, "I order you, eat it now."

order her?An Qiaoran was very helpless when he heard this, "I told you I'm not hungry anymore, so don't force me anymore, I'll eat when I'm hungry."

"No, I want you to eat now." Lu Yuchen said stubbornly.

"Why?" An Qiaoran didn't understand, why did he have to let her eat now?
"It doesn't taste good when it's cold." Lu Yuchen had a good reason, but An Qiaoran had no words to refute.

Where is it cold and not delicious?It's obviously not delicious if it's hot, but... He made it for him for more than two hours anyway, if she doesn't eat it, I'm really sorry for him.

(End of this chapter)

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