Chapter 748 Is it delicious?
An Qiaoran thought about it, looked at Lu Yuchen's face, and then at the dark noodles in front of him, feeling very troubled.

If she doesn't eat it, the black wine is not just this bowl of noodles, but Lu Yuchen's face.

After much deliberation, she would rather get rid of this bowl of black noodles than see Lu Yuchen's black face.

So, An Qiaoran took a deep breath and took the noodles over, "Please go get me a glass of water!"

She was afraid that she would be salted to death after eating, so it was better to prepare some water first.

"I'm not your servant?" Lu Yuchen frowned and refused.

An Qiaoran: "..."

She was speechless.

"Okay, I'll go by myself." After saying that, An Qiaoran stood up, ready to pour water.

However, just as she stood up, Lu Yuchen stood up and glanced at her, "You eat noodles, I'll go."

Seeing the back of Lu Yuchen leaving, An Qiaoran couldn't help laughing, then she turned her eyes on her face, thinking about the scene where she went downstairs to the kitchen two hours ago, feeling a little helpless.

Lu Yuchen has always stretched out his clothes to eat and opened his mouth since he was a child. When did he ever enter the kitchen?Let alone the kitchen.

Now, in order to promise her something, he actually went into the kitchen and cooked such a bowl of noodles for her after insisting on the smell of oily smoke for two hours.

Although the appearance is not very good, but thinking about it, she is very happy to be able to eat the noodles cooked by Lu Yuchen herself.

After thinking about it, An Qiaoran felt a lot more relieved, so she stirred the noodles with chopsticks, then took a bite, chewed slowly, and tasted the taste.

However, after tasting it, her face suddenly changed, and she subconsciously wanted to spit it out, but at this moment, Lu Yuchen had already walked in with a glass of water.

An Qiaoran had no choice but to swallow the salty noodles.

This level of saltiness has reached the level of a bag of salt, you can think about how salty it is.

"Cough cough!"

In order not to make Lu Yuchen think too much, An Qiaoran coughed twice. Lu Yuchen thought she was choking, so he quickly sat down beside her and handed her the water.

"Just so promising?" You can choke on eating noodles.

An Qiaoran didn't say much, just took the water glass and drank it down in one gulp, but it was still full of saltiness.

"Is it cold?" Seeing that she hadn't moved, Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to test the temperature of the bowl, "It's still hot, why don't you eat it?"

"I'm eating!" An Qiaoran said with a smile, then lowered her head and started eating again. Although it was very salty, she insisted on eating. In Lu Yuchen's eyes, she ate very happily.

However, after eating half of it, An Qiaoran couldn't do it anymore, looking at Lu Yuchen, "Go and pour me a jar of water."

"A can? Are you a pig?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with a trace of disgust.


"If I'm a pig, then what are you?" An Qiaoran rolled his eyes at him, and couldn't help pushing him, "Hurry up!"

Lu Yuchen was naturally very dissatisfied with An Qiaoran's begging attitude, but he still got up and went out.

As soon as he walked out of the baby's room, An Qiaoran took the trash can and poured the soup from the bowl into it.

The noodles are in this dark soup... no, it's because they stay in soy sauce for too long, the saltier the noodles will be.

Therefore, she can only fall down.

When Lu Yuchen came in with a large pot of water, An Qiaoran drank three cups in a row, then ate up all the noodles in one go, and finally drank five more cups of water, and the work was done.

After eating, An Qiaoran's stomach was already full.

And Lu Yuchen, who saw her drinking so much water for the first time, also looked at her with a strange look, "It's delicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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