Chapter 750

During the few days in the wooden house, she was thinking about whether Lu Yuchen ate and slept, when she would see him, and when he would save her.

Most of his mind was occupied by Lu Yuchen, as if he had very little time to think about his children.

Thinking about it this way, she still owes the child a little.

Think of him more time...

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was overjoyed, turned her body around, and looked at her seriously.

After watching for a few seconds, he lowered his head and kissed her lips. An Qiaoran's body froze for a moment, and he hooked his neck, responding to him.

Lu Yuchen's kiss was very fiery, An Qiaoran responded a few times, then lost, reached out and pushed him lightly.

Lu Yuchen lowered his head and looked at her suspiciously, with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Let's take a bath first!" An Qiaoran said shyly, then turned around, squatted down in the water, and began to wipe her body.

Lu Yuchen smiled, took the shower gel, pressed a little on the palm of his hand, and rubbed her back.


An Qiaoran hasn't gone out since returning to Bieyuan. The child needs to breastfeed, and she can't do without her. In addition, her grandparents have thoughts about what happened not long ago, and she is also doing ideological work for them.

After all, she really didn't want grandma and the others to leave here and her.

Although he couldn't live without the baby, staying at home all day was boring, so An Qiaoran thought about putting the baby in the stroller, and pushed it out for a walk.

Because of An Qiaoran's sudden disappearance, Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't be contacted, and she forgot to notify her when she came back, so she was still angry with her.

However, the moment he saw An Qiaoran's child, all the anger disappeared and turned into a smile.

An Qiaoran was sitting in Zhao Qiaoqiao's office, and Zhao Qiaoqiao was squatting on the ground playing with the baby.

The baby was amused by her and laughed happily.

"Ran Ran! Tell me... Will this baby love you more or her father more when she grows up?" Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the child and asked.

"Why do you ask about this?"

"Because according to what you said, you are taking care of the children every day, and Lu Yuchen goes to the company every day, and spends very little time with the children, so I thought of this question."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, and then smiled indifferently, "The baby is still young, how do you know this? Besides, when I grow up, I will take her to the company, and it's not impossible to see her."

"That's right." Zhao Qiaoqiao nodded in agreement, and then said with emotion, "That brat in my family likes his father, and he will be fine if he hugs him when he cries or makes a fuss."

"Who said no?" An Qiaoran laughed, "This kid likes Lu Yuchen's fingers the most."

"She may like her father better."

Zhao Qiaoqiao smiled, glanced at the phone, and said, "It's already twelve o'clock, and I have to go to IE Entertainment to deliver a contract, do you want to go?"

IE entertainment?

Isn't that not far from IE headquarters?An Qiaoran nodded without thinking, "Okay! Stop by Lu Yuchen's place for a stroll."

The two went to IE Entertainment together. An Qiaoran couldn't get in with a stroller, so he waited outside the door.

Half an hour later, Zhao Qiaoqiao came out.

"I might go to IE with you." Zhao Qiaoqiao said sadly as soon as she came out.


An Qiaoran answered readily, then pushed the stroller towards IE.

Although she has been to IE many times, this is the first time she brought her baby here.

Everyone in the company knew that she was Lu Yuchen's wife and that she had a daughter, but they had never seen her.

Now that An Qiaoran pushed in, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

(End of this chapter)

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