Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 751 Listening to your tone... don't you like it?

Chapter 751 Listening to your tone... don't you like it?

An Qiaoran went straight to the top floor and walked all the way to Lu Yuchen's office.

Just as An Qiaoran was about to knock on the door, it was opened, and it was Ah Heng who was holding the document.

When Ah Heng saw An Qiaoran, he hurriedly said, "Madam, why are you here? You brought Miss with you."

"I'm here to visit Lu Yuchen's class, can't I?" An Qiaoran said jokingly.

After the words fell, the baby in the stroller let out a tacit "Oh".

A Heng looked at the baby in the stroller, and was successfully amused, then looked at An Qiaoran, "Mr. Lu is talking with clients inside, and ordered no one to enter. Madam, please wait in the VIP room!"

"Well, that's fine too."

An Qiaoran glanced at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "Let's just wait!"

Zhao Qiaoqiao nodded and followed Ah Heng to the VIP room.

"Madam, drink some water!" Ah Heng poured the coffee, then turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Qiaoqiao stopped him and handed him the contract, "Please, sign it."

Ah Heng looked at the contract she handed over, glanced at her again, took it generously, glanced at it casually, and signed it.

"Thank you." Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the signed name and thanked him happily.

Ah Heng left without saying a word.

Zhao Qiaoqiao achieved her goal and left, leaving only An Qiaoran in the VIP room, which was boring.

Who is Lu Yuchen talking to?No one can enter?Not even Ah Heng?so mysterious?

Although An Qiaoran wanted to go in, but in order not to disturb Lu Yuchen, he could only wait here with the baby.

It's just that An Qiaoran didn't know that she had been waiting for more than an hour.

Not only did the baby fall asleep, but An Qiaoran also fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dark outside the window, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if it was going to rain.

In fact, it was already drizzling while driving.

Looking at the time, Lu Yuchen should be fine, right?

An Qiaoran thought about it, and glanced at the baby. Before he woke up, he pushed the baby carriage and left the VIP room.

Ah Heng didn't tell Lu Yuchen that she was here, so Lu Yuchen probably didn't know.

When An Qiaoran walked out of the VIP room, she saw a figure flashing in front of her eyes. When she took a serious look, the man had already passed the corner and was nowhere to be seen.

Out of curiosity, An Qiaoran walked over to take a look. For some reason, seeing the man's back, An Qiaoran felt familiar, but couldn't remember it.

An Qiaoran stood there, waiting until the man entered the elevator, then turned around, walked to the office door, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." An extremely irritated voice sounded.

Hearing his voice, An Qiaoran was stunned for a while, then opened the door and walked in.

Lu Yuchen was sitting behind the desk, stretching out his hands to press his temples, as if he was very troubled.

"What's wrong?" An Qiaoran walked over and asked with concern.

Hearing her voice, Lu Yuchen suddenly raised his head to look at her, his eyes were more flustered than usual, but it was not so obvious.

"When did you come?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and asked unnaturally.

"An hour ago." An Qiaoran pushed the baby carriage and sat down in front of the sofa, and said.

Hearing this, the panic in Lu Yuchen's eyes disappeared. Looking at the baby carriage pushed by An Qiaoran, he got up and walked over.

"Why did you bring her?" Lu Yuchen asked with a frown as he looked at the sleeping baby in the stroller.

"Hearing your tone... don't you like it?" An Qiaoran looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing his tone of disgust for the child, An Qiaoran was not very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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