Chapter 802 Busy......

A Heng followed his gaze, saw the window, and also saw a pool of water stains on the floor beside the window, and immediately understood.

Dare to... He climbed in through the window.

Open the window of his house in the middle of the night, this is the tenth floor!Why is he so powerful?
Uh... No, his focus now shouldn't be the question of which floor, but...

Ah Heng looked at Lu Yuchen and sat down beside him. Just as he was about to ask something, Lu Yuchen said angrily, "Sit over there!"

This is his family, and he still has to be rejected, is there any reason?

Ah Hengwen thought about it, and didn't know how to refute it, so he obediently sat across from him and looked at Lu Yuchen.

"Mr. Lu, it's almost dawn now. When did you come? And...shouldn't you be at home with your wife? Come to my house...what's the matter?"

"Is it necessary to explain to you?" Lu Yuchen glanced at him impatiently.


Got blocked again...

"Borrow your nest for a few days."

"What?" Ah Heng felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

"I'll pay you." Lu Yuchen's words completely blocked Ah Heng's mouth.

Hearing Qian, Ah Heng felt that he didn't want to ask anything anymore, and was so sleepy that he couldn't help yawning.

"Then Mr. Lu, it's up to you. I'm too sleepy and I'm going to rest." A Heng said as he walked towards the bedroom.

After tossing and tossing for almost a night, it is now five o'clock in the morning. It just so happens that today is the weekend, so I can catch up on sleep, or I will be exhausted.

"Is it done?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"Don't worry, there will never be any news about that incident. I also warned the newspaper and the media that they don't want their newspaper to become a public toilet."

Aheng walked and talked, his mind was being occupied by sleepiness a little bit, and he really wanted to lie on the big bed in the bedroom.

However, Lu Yuchen obviously didn't want to fulfill his wish.

"If An Qiaoran asks about me, just say that I'm busy. As for what I'm busy with, you can think for yourself."

Ah Heng was already dazzled by drowsiness, but when he heard Lu Yuchen's words, he woke up, and quickly turned to look at him, "Why is that?"

"You just need to follow the instructions!" Lu Yuchen didn't intend to tell him at all.

Ah Heng couldn't ask any more questions, so he said "oh", then went into the bedroom and fell asleep.

As soon as the bedroom door was closed, Lu Yuchen's cell phone rang. There was no doubt that it was An Qiaoran's video. After looking at her profile picture for a moment, he pressed the mute button, but did not answer.

After a while, the video was hung up, Lu Yuchen originally thought she would not call again, but the caller ID came.

Lu Yuchen looked at the silly woman's caller ID, and hovered over the answer button with his fingertips. After half a second, he pressed the answer button, but turned on the speakerphone, but did not speak.

"Hello? Lu Yuchen?" An Qiaoran's doubtful voice sounded from the phone.

Hearing his voice, Lu Yuchen couldn't help but answer, "Yes."

"Lu Yuchen, are you busy? I sent you a video and you didn't answer." An Qiaoran's voice sounded soft, without any other factors.

"I'm busy, you got up so early?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"It's not me who got up, it's my daughter who woke up, couldn't fall asleep, and clamored to see Dad, that's why I played your video."

Since Lu Yuchen was in the company for a long time, he would hug Jiayi and talk to her when he got home. The child was not used to Lu Yuchen not being at home last night.

Although An Qiaoran usually took the child with him, this child liked Lu Yuchen better, and would cry for a while when he was not seeing him.

(End of this chapter)

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