Chapter 803 What is he angry about?

Listening to An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen was silent for a second, with a complicated expression on his face, and for a long time, he didn't know what to say.

An Qiaoran over there didn't hear Lu Yuchen's answer, and continued, "Are you still busy this weekend?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen really didn't want to make it up anymore, and it wasn't because he made a mistake, why did he avoid her?
Thinking about it, he could only say, "An Qiaoran, I'm very angry, do you know how I feel right now?"

He was really angry when he thought that she was willing to go to dinner with Sun Xu, was treated as a date by the reporter, and was misunderstood by so many people that he was cheated on.

All this is because she is with Sun Xu!
But so what?He could stop the news from breaking out, but he couldn't silence Youyou's public opinion. Most importantly, he was obviously very angry with her, but he couldn't yell at her and scold her.

Every time he was angry with her, he could only avoid her and suppress his anger, but she called him frequently to make him bear it.

How long can he endure it?He was very afraid that he would not be able to control himself from yelling at her, blaming her, and making her sad...

Her tears were the last thing he wanted to see.

If he hides and neglects her, but if he doesn't hide, he can't help yelling at her, what can he do?What can he do?

Hearing Lu Yuchen's depressing words, An Qiaoran seemed to understand a lot.

It turned out that he wasn't busy, he was just avoiding her...

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran felt a little guilty.

"Lu Yuchen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be with Sun Xu. You are the president of IE. As your wife, I shouldn't appear in the public eye with the opposite sex at the same time. It's easy to be misunderstood."

Lu Yuchen is a sensible person, so he naturally understood the meaning of An Qiaoran's words, a little helpless, "An Qiaoran..."

Lu Yuchen said, changed his words, and admitted directly, "Yes, as my wife, you shouldn't appear in the public eye with the opposite sex, let alone being photographed by reporters..."

If you speak harsh words, Lu Yuchen will stop talking.

"Nowadays, so many people think that you have betrayed me, and I have been cheated on by you." Lu Yuchen said, his anger also rose, but he was forcibly suppressed, "An Qiaoran... I need to calm down."

He was green by her...

Lu Yuchen, the dignified president of IE, was cheated on by his wife. If this matter got to IE, what would he, the president, do?
Thinking of this, An Qiaoran suddenly felt sorry for Lu Yuchen, and her voice suddenly became hoarse, "Lu Yuchen, I'm sorry, I let you lose your reputation... If you are angry because of this, don't worry, I will It's fixed, I will definitely solve it."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, she was about to hang up the phone, but at this moment, Lu Yuchen's voice rang again.

"If you think I care about those people's rumors, then you are very wrong."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, "Isn't that why you are angry?"

Isn't he angry because those people said she greened him?Why?
"If you think it is, then it is." After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, without giving An Qiaoran a chance to speak, he hung up the phone, his face extremely gloomy.

He had already told her that she was very angry, but she naively thought that he cared about those rumors.

Is she... really that An Qiaoran who really loves him?Why, she still doesn't understand him?She didn't even know what he was angry about.


An Qiaoran hugged the child and looked at the hung up phone with a sad face.

Lu Yuchen wasn't concerned about his reputation, so what else?He is so proud, how can he tolerate so many people talking about him?

What is he mad about?

(End of this chapter)

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