Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 824 Biting People Like a Mad Dog 1

Chapter 824 Bite People Like a Mad Dog
Is Xie Linna crazy?Such inversion of black and white, nonsense.

"Don't try to argue, it's because of you!" Xie Linna looked at An Qiaoran with anger and viciousness in her eyes, which was terribly frightening, and she completely lost the aura of a young lady.

Xie Linna's slander, An Qiaoran was really angry and helpless, "I said it, it has nothing to do with me, I haven't even seen Sun Xu, why do you say such nonsense?"

"Not seeing each other doesn't mean we haven't contacted each other!" Xie Linna became more and more reasonable as she said more, "An Qiaoran, you are the happiest that my child is gone. Why are you pretending to be innocent with me here?"

"I didn't!" Facing such an irrational Xie Linna, An Qiaoran was really powerless to defend herself.

"I don't have time to talk to you, I still have things to do, please calm down for a while!"

An Qiaoran said, and was about to leave.

However, Xie Linna still refused to let her go, and started to fight.

He grabbed her by the hair and said viciously, "My child is gone, I want you to pay for it!"

An Qiaoran didn't expect that she would suddenly go crazy, her hair was tightly grasped by her, and her scalp was extremely painful.

"What are you doing?" An Qiaoran looked at Xie Linna passively, unable to do anything about her actions, "Quickly let go!"

"I just won't let go!" Xie Linna gripped even tighter, and An Qiaoran didn't even dare to move.

"An Qiaoran, aren't you very capable? Why don't you fight back? You have the ability to seduce my husband, but you don't have the ability to admit it?"

"You're talking nonsense. I haven't done it, and it has nothing to do with me!" An Qiaoran tried her best to explain, but Xie Linna was so stubborn that she couldn't listen to her words.

"It's your face that makes my husband never forget you. I'm going to scratch your face today to see how you still seduce people everywhere!"

Xie Linna grabbed her hair, and after speaking harshly, she wanted to free her hand to grab her face.

An Qiaoran sensed her intentions and tried to dodge, but her hair was caught, and she was in excruciating pain as soon as she struggled.

Because the movement in the ward was too loud, many people noticed it. When the nurses saw such a scene, they were too shocked to make a sound.

The war between two women is really difficult to persuade, and it might cause trouble to the upper body. Therefore, although there are a group of nurses outside the door, no one stepped forward to stop it.

An Qiaoran was short in height, plus her hair was caught passively, she was not as strong as Xie Linna, she couldn't struggle, and there were already some fingernail marks on her face...

Xie Linna's sharp nails would have been scratched and bled if she hadn't tried her best to hide.

"Xie Linna, you'd better stop when enough is enough, don't force me to fight back!" Seeing that Xie Linna still refused to give up, An Qiaoran couldn't help warning.

She just put up with her because she just had a miscarriage, but she is not the Holy Mother, so don't think she will always put up with her.

This is a hospital, and she doesn't want to cause trouble, but she doesn't care whether it's a hospital or not, and she has a limit of patience if she goes crazy and bites people like a mad dog.

"Then you fight back! You are right to seduce my husband." Xie Linna said loudly, grabbing An Qiaoran's hair and looking at the people crowded outside the door.

"Everyone, come and take a look. This is the vixen who seduced my husband. She caused me to have a miscarriage and destroyed my family. How can such a person be qualified to be a doctor who can save lives and heal the wounded?"

When the audience heard Xie Linna's words, many people who didn't understand understood immediately. However, everyone also saw that An Qiaoran did not fight back, so they still had doubts about Xie Lina's words.

(End of this chapter)

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