Chapter 825

"Xie Linna, you are enough!" An Qiaoran finally couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to fight back and break away, but with so many people, she was not so impulsive.

"Stop talking nonsense here, when did I hurt you? I have nothing to do with him, don't spit blood!"

None of the people around outside moved, just watching the two women inside quarreling, no, it was fighting.

I really want to go up and help, but I don't know who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth.

"Are you capable of doing it or not?" Xie Linna looked at An Qiaoran with a grim expression on her face, "An Qiaoran, return my child!"

After finishing speaking, she started to go crazy again and hit An Qiaoran in the face. An Qiaoran couldn't fight back, and was caught between struggling and avoiding again.

Although she tried her best to hide, she still couldn't avoid some marks, either very deep, or a little red, but it still hurts.

The people outside the door just watched the fight between the patient and the doctor, wondering if they should go up to persuade the fight.

At this moment, a person suddenly broke into the crowd, and without any explanation, he went up to fight, "Miss, let go!"

Anyway, it's a man, Xie Linna couldn't pull it off, she was pulled away after a few strokes

An Qiaoran, who had disheveled hair and was in a mess, was finally relieved. Xie Linna was very unwilling, and stared fiercely at the man in front of her.

"Who are you? This is between me and this mistress, what does it have to do with you? Could it are also her little boy?"

Ke Sheng was kind enough to fight, but was bitten back. Naturally, he was not in a good mood, but he still said patiently.

"Don't look at anyone talking nonsense like that, you will be slapped."

Ke Sheng said, walked to An Qiaoran, looked at her, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

An Qiaoran looked up at him, shocked, then shook his head, "I'm fine."

"I see that the injury on your face is a bit serious, I'll check it for you..."


Before Ke Sheng finished speaking, Xie Linna sneered, "It's not all right, so why are you worried?"

When Ke Sheng heard this, he was even more dissatisfied, and turned to look at her, "She has a wound on her face, can't I care about it?"

"Cut!" Xie Linna looked disdainful, "There are so many people injured in the world, can you care about it?"


"If you want me to tell you, you must have a very close relationship with her, otherwise you care so much about her? Why is that?"

Ke Sheng's patience is limited. Hearing this, he couldn't bear it anymore. He walked up to her and warned her coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let me tell you, this Dr. An is Mrs. Lu's wife. If Mrs. Lu hears your slanderous words about Dr. An, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it!"

As soon as Ke Sheng said this, the faces of the people watching the theater outside the door were filled with surprise.

Unexpectedly... this doctor turned out to be Lu Yuchen's wife. The news was too shocking.

After being shocked for less than three seconds, someone rushed into the ward, ran to An Qiaoran, and said with concern, "Doctor An, let me take you for a check-up!"

There were quite a few people here, all of them came for An Qiaoran, An Qiaoran looked at these people and couldn't help but smile wryly.

She was beaten into a mess by Xie Linna just now, and none of these people paid any attention to her. Now that they know her relationship with Lu Yuchen, they all come here to curry favor with her. Thinking about it, she finds it ironic.

Regarding the sudden enthusiasm of these people, An Qiaoran didn't show any expression, but said indifferently, "No, thank you, I'm fine."

"How can I do it? If you don't take care of the wound on your face, I'm afraid it will become inflamed." There are still some people who are unwilling to give up trying to please.

(End of this chapter)

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