Chapter 826 Cut off all contact with him

"I'm really fine, I'll take care of it myself, go get busy!"

An Qiaoran refused so clearly, these people didn't say much, just said "tell me if you need anything", and then left.

The people watching the theater outside also left. To avoid suspicion, An Qiaoran closed the door of the ward.

Those people were not there, and the ward became much quieter.

After Xie Linna heard Ke Sheng's words, the arrogance disappeared from her face, and the momentum disappeared instantly.

Ke Sheng looked at her and continued, "Your behavior today has completely angered Young Master Lu. Even if I don't tell him, the wound on Dr. An's face won't heal in a day or two. I can tell you bluntly. Tell you, you're screwed."

Xie Linna's complexion gradually turned pale following Ke Sheng's words, and finally, her body seemed to be emptied, and she fell to the ground with fear in her eyes.

Ke Sheng looked at Xie Linna's powerless look, smiled, turned around and walked in front of An Qiaoran, thinking about what happened just now, and said.

"Sorry ma'am, I was out of breath just now, so I just said it, I'm sorry!"

An Qiaoran shook his head listening to his words, "It's okay, I still have to thank you! If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

At that time, it was not wrong for her to fight back, nor was it not to fight back.

If it weren't for the hospital, she would never have let her mess around.

"I was just cleaning and passing by. I came here when I saw a lot of people. I didn't expect..."

"Thank you anyway." An Qiaoran said, reaching out to touch his messy hair, "I'll tidy it up, and I'll treat you to dinner after get off work."

"It's all easy work, so don't be too polite." Ke Sheng smiled.

"It's okay, it should be."

An Qiaoran said, then turned around, ready to leave.

But at the moment when he turned around, An Qiaoran stopped, froze for a moment, turned around, walked in front of Xie Linna, looked down at her, and gave the last explanation.

"Xie Linna, I have to tell you that I have nothing to do with Sun Xu, and your miscarriage has nothing to do with me."


Xie Linna looked at her without saying a word, and there was no hope in her eyes.

She hated herself, why she was so impulsive just now, and wanted to leave a mark on An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was hurt badly by her, if Lu Yuchen knew, according to Lu Yuchen's temper, she would definitely die.

She didn't want to be the second Chen Lanxue.

"From today onwards, I will cut off all contact with him. I will try my best to avoid him. I hope you will not use this to make trouble in the future. It is really embarrassing. If you are not careful , and may even lose your life.”

"If you lose your happiness or even your life because of a momentary impulse, think about it carefully, is it worth it?"

Even An Qiaoran couldn't be 100% sure about Lu Yuchen's temper. She didn't care about her this time. As for Lu Yuchen...she didn't know what happened to him.

After An Qiaoran said this, he turned around and walked to Ke Sheng's side, "Let's go!"

The two were about to open the door and leave, but before their hands touched the doorknob, the door was opened from the outside.

An Qiaoran and Ke Sheng took a step back, looking at the person who walked in, it was none other than Sun Xu.

It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

An Qiaoran thought to himself.

Sun Xu walked in, but he didn't expect An Qiaoran to be here, and An Qiaoran's hair and couplet at this time made him a little stunned.

"Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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