Chapter 835 Love An Qiaoran This Woman
"Then why have you been helping An Qiaoran? Don't you love me? Didn't you say you would always help me? Why are you going back on your word now?"

Chen Lanyu's words were thorny, and Ke Sheng knew that she was serious, so he felt helpless for a while.

"Lan Yu, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter, don't worry, after I investigate clearly, if the matter is true, I will definitely act according to your plan."

After Ke Sheng finished speaking, there was silence on the phone, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Lan Yu?"

"Lan Yu?"

After Ke Sheng called twice, Chen Lanyu's voice rang again on the phone, "Okay! You can go to investigate, you don't have to help me, but...don't spoil my good deed like today."

"What's going on today?" Ke Sheng was very puzzled, not knowing what the good thing she said was destroyed by him.

"This has nothing to do with you." Chen Lanyu didn't want to tell him at all, "Ke Sheng, I don't have to embarrass you, you don't have to help me, but if you spoil my good deed, I will cut off all contact with you. "

After speaking, Chen Lanyu hung up the phone.

After hearing what Chen Lanyu said, Ke Sheng stood there in a daze and did not respond for a long time.

He knew that she hated her, and he also knew that she would be angry if he said that.

However, after these days of getting along, and the fact that Xie Linna treated her like she did not fight back today, it can be seen that she is really not a ruthless person. She is so cruel to a stranger like him, how can she be so ruthless to her elder sister?
Even though she was angry, he couldn't do wrong things or hurt the wrong people because of this.


After An Qiaoran went back, he told Lu Yuchen about including Ke Sheng as a doctor. Lu Yuchen disagreed, but An Qiaoran kept sticking to him, and even used the phrase "savior".

So in the end, Lu Yuchen agreed, but Lu Yuchen still had a very strange request.

"What's the request?" Ke Sheng asked quickly after hearing what An Qiaoran said.

Seeing that he was so eager to know the answer, An Qiaoran just wanted to whet his appetite, so he sat on the chair and pretended not to answer.

An Qiaoran's appetite has never disappointed her, and Ke Sheng was hooked.

"Madam, what is the request?" Ke Sheng couldn't wait to know the answer.

"This requirement have to follow me all the time." An Qiaoran said.

Hearing this, Ke Sheng looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"That is to say, although you are a doctor, it's not the main thing. You can't leave my sight for more than 10 minutes."

That's right, it's An Qiaoran's personal bodyguard and personal doctor.

Actually, An Qiaoran also found it strange that Lu Yuchen would make this request.

Lu Yuchen has always been wary of her and other men, how could he ask Ke Sheng to be her bodyguard this time?
Of course, in fact, she has always had two bodyguards, but they are in the dark, while Ke Sheng is in the light.

Take advantage of Ke Sheng's status as An Qiaoran's personal doctor, and then protect her to prevent what happened to Xie Linna from happening again.

In fact, this is very contradictory, and it is not like Lu Yuchen's approach at all.

"You must protect me at all times, Lu Yuchen said, if anything happens to me in the future, he will only ask you." An Qiaoran said jokingly.

Ke Sheng didn't understand it all the time, but after hearing what An Qiaoran said, he understood.

Because of what happened to Xie Linna, in order to protect An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen asked him, his personal doctor, to follow him and protect him at all times.

He really loves An Qiaoran.

(End of this chapter)

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