Chapter 836 The Scary Box
In fact, he admired Lu Yuchen very much and admired him very much. After all, it is impossible for such a rich man to be sincere to a woman. For them, women are just playthings, but Lu Yuchen is not like that.

"Mr. Lu is so kind to my wife." Ke Sheng said, "It's okay. It's Mr. Lu's trust in me to protect you, my wife. I will do my best."

"It makes you so nervous." An Qiaoran looked at the seriousness in his eyes, and couldn't help but said, "I'm just joking with you, what could happen to me? You don't have to be too nervous."

"That can't be done. Since Boss Lu ordered it, I have to finish it and do my best! Ma'am, be careful, there will be another follower behind you in the future."

What Ke Sheng said, he laughed twice.

"What kind of follower? How can anyone describe himself like that? It's an extra companion." An Qiaoran said.

"Yes ma'am."

Ke Sheng nodded.

An Qiaoran took out the compiled reports from the drawer and prepared to send them to IE.

Although other people can deliver it, Lu Yuchen said that she must deliver it. For this reason, he also gave her a car, so she can come and go freely.

"Let's go! Come with me to IE." An Qiaoran stood up and said.


An Qiaoran and Ke Sheng left the office, An Qiaoran took the lead to leave, Ke Sheng closed the door, turned around and was about to leave, but saw a person at the corner of the corridor, and his footsteps stopped.

Chen Lanyu also saw him, but just looked at him, but didn't speak.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and just as Ke Sheng was about to walk there, An Qiaoran's doubtful voice suddenly sounded.

"Ke Sheng, what's wrong?"

Ke Sheng asked, quickly looked away, and turned to look at An Qiaoran, "It's okay, let's go!"

After speaking, he glanced at the other side of the corridor again. The people had already left, so he left with confidence.

Seeing the two of them entering the elevator, Chen Lanyu, who was hiding at the corner, came out.

She was wearing sunglasses and a hat, and her eyes under the sunglasses looked in the direction of the elevator with a fierce gaze.

An Qiaoran, she must pay back all the suffering she has suffered!

An Qiaoran and Ke Sheng came to Lu Yuchen's office, as usual, An Qiaoran knocked on the door.

However, before his hand touched the door, Ah Heng's figure sounded behind him, "Madam, Mr. Lu is not in the office right now."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran turned around and looked at A Heng, "He's not there? Where did he go?"

Ah Heng shook his head, "I don't know."

Seeing this, An Qiaoran didn't think too much, just said, "It's okay, I'll just put the materials in his office."

After speaking, An Qiaoran opened the door of the office, walked in, and put the documents on Lu Yuchen's desk.

After putting it away, she turned around and was about to leave when she caught a glimpse of a brocade box next to the computer from the corner of her eye.

The brocade box was a wooden box carved with delicate patterns, which An Qiaoran had never seen before.

Out of curiosity, An Qiaoran held it in his hand, opened it to see what was inside.


As soon as the box was opened, she was startled by the contents inside, her hands were in a mess, the wooden box fell to the ground, and the contents inside spilled on the ground.


Looking at those things on the ground, An Qiaoran was frightened again, and took a few steps back, his face was full of horror, and his face was pale and bloodless from the fright.

Is this Lu Yuchen's box?Why is there such a thing in the box?

"What's the matter ma'am?"

Ah Heng and Ke Sheng who heard the voice ran in quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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