Chapter 838 Whose is it?
An Qiaoran fell silent, and gradually calmed down. She looked towards the desk and stood up. The next second, she stood up and walked towards the desk.

"Madam..." Ah Heng looked at An Qiaoran, afraid that she might do something.

An Qiaoran opened the drawer, took out the wooden box, and looked at A Heng, "This thing... I'll take it first."

An Qiaoran said, glanced at Ke Sheng, and then walked towards the door.

"Madam..." Ah Heng chased him out and stood in front of An Qiaoran, "Madam, what do you want this for? What if Mr. Lu doesn't see you when he comes back, then..."

"If he finds out, then you say I threw it away."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking indifferently, he had already left.

Aheng looked at An Qiaoran's leaving back, feeling helpless and annoyed.

Mr. Lu said that his wife should not see it, but now his wife took it away and said he was throwing it away. He didn't know if she took it and went to Mr. Lu Zongxing to question her.

Ah Heng thought, he really didn't know what to do.


An Qiaoran and Ke Sheng got out of the elevator. Along the way, she held the wooden box tightly, staring at the floor without focus, not knowing what mood she was in.

She looked very dull, which made Ke Sheng unable to help but say, "Madam, are you alright?"

An Qiaoran didn't respond as if he didn't hear it, and walked out of the company door in a daze.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone, raised her head, and saw someone else, it was Lu Yuchen...

Seeing Lu Yuchen, this was something An Qiaoran hadn't expected, because of the box, she didn't know what to say yet.

"An Qiaoran, are you leaving now?" Seeing her coming out of the company, she must have been here before.

"En." An Qiaoran nodded, and then prepared to leave.

Her attitude was so indifferent, Lu Yuchen felt strange, grabbed her hand, looked at her, "An Qiaoran, you have something on your mind, are you in a bad mood? What's the matter? What happened?"

An Qiaoran looked at the arm he was grasping, and subconsciously wanted to struggle. Was it his hand that chopped off someone else's finger?

Thinking of the fingers in the box, An Qiaoran's hand shook, and the box fell to the ground.


An Qiaoran panicked immediately, and hurriedly lowered her head to pick it up, but a big palm took the first step...

An Qiaoran's body froze there.

Lu Yuchen looked at the box, his eyes froze instantly, his body didn't respond, his tall body was frozen there.

An Qiaoran squatted there and maintained that posture without speaking, and Lu Yuchen also stood without speaking.The atmosphere in the air is mixed with a little depression.

I don't know how long this atmosphere lasted until Lu Yuchen's voice rang out, "Did you see it all?"

Hearing his voice, An Qiaoran stood up slowly and nodded slightly.

Seeing him nodding, Lu Yuchen's eyes became more dull, with a little panic.

He thought...she wouldn't see it, but he didn't expect that so soon...

"An Qiaoran, I..."

"Whose is it?" Before Lu Yuchen could speak, An Qiaoran began to ask.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned, did not answer, and frowned tightly.

Without getting his answer, An Qiaoran raised his head and looked at him, knowing that he was afraid that she would be afraid, so he said.

"Tell me! I won't be afraid."

What should be scared, she has already been scared, he said, it doesn't matter.

If he didn't say it, she might have guessed who it was.

(End of this chapter)

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