Chapter 839 She Can't Have Anything
"An Qiaoran, are you sure you are not afraid?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and asked very uncertainly.

An Qiaoran shook his head, "I won't be afraid."

"Perhaps you are not afraid when you see the things in this box, but...if I tell you that someone chopped it up, will you not be afraid of me?"

Lu Yuchen looked deeply at An Qiaoran, caring about her answers and opinions.

The reason why he kept it from her was because he didn't want her to see his stern side, and he didn't want her to be afraid of him because of it.

What he had people do...not what he did...

I don't know why, but thinking of this, An Qiaoran felt a lot more relaxed.

Although there is no difference, in her opinion, it is really different.

Facing Lu Yuchen's caring eyes, An Qiaoran couldn't help reaching out and hugging his waist, "No Lu Yuchen, no matter what you do, I will not be afraid of you, I know, you are for me .”

Looking at An Qiaoran who suddenly hugged him, Lu Yuchen's body became a little stiff.

Originally thought that she would be afraid of him and hide from him, but now, it's not like this.

After being stunned for half a second, Lu Yuchen stretched out his arms to hug her, and said in a low voice, "An Qiaoran...are you really not afraid of me?"

"No, I'm not afraid at all. The only thing I'm afraid of is that you don't want me."

She was most afraid that he suddenly didn't want her anymore.

However, he treats her so well and loves her so much, it is impossible not to let her go.

She knew that what he did was an expression of his love for her, but the way was too cruel.

An Qiaoran thought about it, then looked up at Lu Yuchen, and said seriously, "Lu Yuchen, I'm not afraid of these things you do, but I don't want to see your hands covered in blood, no matter what it is, You don't even have to do it yourself, okay?"

"Okay!" Lu Yuchen looked at her and nodded without hesitation, "I promise you, I won't do it myself."


An Qiaoran nodded, Lu Yuchen watched her gradually, lowered his head, and kissed her...

Ke Sheng, who was watching all this from the side, was deeply touched by Lu Yuchen's obedience to An Qiaoran.

The rumors about Lu Yuchen's ruthlessness are true, and the news about him being a wife-doting maniac is also true.

Lu Yuchen can do everything because of An Qiaoran, and he can also give up everything for An Qiaoran.

No one is wrong, everything is not for oneself, but for others.

Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran kissed for a long time, and Ke Sheng also waited for a long time, but, in order not to disturb the atmosphere, he walked to the side of the car and waited.

After the kiss was over, An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, "Then you can tell me now, whose is it?"

She wanted to know if her guess was right.

Although An Qiaoran said that she would not be afraid of herself, Lu Yuchen did not answer in time, but thought for a moment before saying, "Xie Linna's."

"It's all hers?" An Qiaoran asked.

She seemed to see more than five of them. Could it be that he would take all Xie Linna...

"And Lu Feng's."

Lu Feng...

For Xie Linna's, An Qiaoran didn't think too much about it, but for Lu Feng's, how could it be?

"Lu Feng hates me very much, we must not let him go free, otherwise..."

"What else? Will he take revenge on you?" An Qiaoran asked quickly.

Lu Yuchen nodded, "He will retaliate, but I'm not afraid of his retaliation, I'm just afraid, your safety, no matter what, I must guarantee your safety, An Qiaoran, you can't have anything, do you understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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