Chapter 840 He Can't Do Without Her

"I understand, I understand."

An Qiaoran nodded.

He was worried about her, and she knew it.

" won't understand." Lu Yuchen shook his head and said, looking at her deeply with a pair of deep eyes.

"An Qiaoran, you don't understand at all. You and I are tied together. If you disappear without any news, I will be unconscious and unconscious. If you are in any danger, I will The heartache is unbearable, you don't understand how painful that kind of heart-wrenching pain is."

In the beginning, in the days without her, he just fell into a coma, but later, as he got along with her, the pain became more and more severe, and it was beyond his control.

As long as he thinks that she is in danger, he will fall asleep, and all the cells in his body will feel pain.

Obviously she was very dangerous, but he had no way to find her and save her, so he could only lie on the bed and lethargic.

He was very scared, afraid of anything happening to her, he could only do his best to protect her and not let her get hurt.

Because once she was in danger, he had nothing to do.

Listening to what he said, An Qiaoran suddenly remembered the old disease that Nade mentioned when he was unconscious on a rainy night a long time ago.

Could it be that... Lu Yuchen's old illness has something to do with her?
Nade said that Lu Yuchen's old illness would only recur when it rained, but the relapse on a rainy night was only that one time, and it disappeared after that.

And what he said about her missing and being in danger made his heart ache unbearably. She hadn't seen it with her own eyes, turned out that the attack happened because she wasn't around, so she couldn't possibly see it.

"What kind of disease are you? What did Steward De say?" After so many years, is there no way to cure it?

"It's because of that rainy day back then..." Lu Yuchen stopped in the middle of speaking, looked at her, and said, "Anyway, the root cause of the disease is you, as long as you are by my side, everything will be fine."

"Oh!" An Qiaoran responded, and suddenly thought, it's not that she can't leave him now, but that he really can't leave her.

But most of his illness was caused by his caring too much about her. If he didn't care about her, maybe it wouldn't be so painful.


An Qiaoran's work in the hospital is becoming more and more proficient, and the hospital's performance is also said to be thriving. For this, the doctor's credit is indispensable.

Therefore, An Qiaoran discussed with Lu Yuchen that on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a celebration banquet was held at the Qinglong Hotel, and many doctors with great achievements from the hospital were invited.

Although Lu Yuchen didn't like excitement, An Qiaoran felt that it was necessary to improve their work efficiency.

After all, their seriousness about work comes from Lu Yuchen, and it is also possible to hold some activities from time to time.

All the doctors who went there were sent by special cars arranged by Ah Heng.

After get off work, An Qiaoran called Lu Yuchen. All the doctors he used were waiting by the side of the road. This time, most of them were girls and some boys, but they were a minority.

In less than 10 minutes, several black cars stopped on the side of the road.

The first car, without a doubt, belonged to Lu Yuchen, and the one behind was led by Butler De.

Seeing Lu Yuchen, those who had been waiting anxiously all exclaimed.

"Everyone get in the car and get ready to go." After telling everyone, An Qiaoran opened the door of the back seat and got in the car.

As soon as she got in the car, Lu Yuchen hugged her.

(End of this chapter)

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