Chapter 843 So-called Playing Games

Yuan Jing: "Yes! We are the ones who really can't afford to lose."

After hearing what they said, An Qiaoran felt that it would be unreasonable not to participate, so she ignored it and sat down in Yuan Jing's seat.

"Beforehand, I won't, so please don't bully me." An Qiaoran said.

"No sister, I'll watch it for you, or I'll let you order..." An Qiaoli said, shaking her head quickly, "No! If I let you lose, what will happen to my pocket money No, no, no, I still have to fight seriously, I'm sorry sister."

Hearing An Qiaoli's words, An Qiaoran just smiled helplessly, "You all do your best, don't let me go."

"Then I'm sorry." Ke Sheng said jokingly.

"It's okay, you have the advantage body, and I also have the luck body, let's start!"

"Wait." Hearing Ah Heng's voice, An Qiaoran turned to look at him. She knew why he came without asking, and raised her eyebrows, "Are you coming to play too?"

"Seeing that you guys are playing so happily, I want to play too. Unfortunately, I don't want to spoil someone's interest. After all, my poker skills are pretty good."

As Ah Heng said, he walked to An Qiaoli's side, squeezed on the sofa with her, and said to her, "I'll teach you."

An Qiaoran still had some dislike for the two people's close behavior, but he didn't say anything.

But at this time, Yuan Jing spoke, "This wife can't play, and Lily also has someone to help, it's really unfair, or... Fight the Landlord? Anyway, any of you here can know it, right?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran said hello again and again, "That's a good idea, let's fight the landlord."

Fighting Landlords is what she and Zhao Qiaoqiao are good at!

An Qiaoran said, looking at Ah Heng, "How is it? Dare you?"


Although Ah Heng promised so readily, in fact, he is not very good at it, but as long as he doesn't grab the landlord, he can win by lying down!
It just so happened that he knew that Lily was also very good at it.

So, everyone took out the playing cards and dealt them separately.

In the first round, it was An Qiaoran Aheng and An Qiaoli.

The landlord is undoubtedly An Qiaoran's, because neither of them robbed it, and they seem to have a tacit understanding.

An Qiaoran naturally understood that they wanted to fight her together, but her cards were not bad, not bad.

But it was doomed to take over, she lost, lost at the starting line.

"I would like to accept the bet, sister, I'm sorry." The winner, An Qiaoli, smiled apologetically at An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was helpless, but still took out a ten-yuan RMB and handed it to her.

"Wait a minute." It was Ke Sheng who said this time.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't think it's fun to lose money like this, how about...something fresh?" Ke Sheng said.

"What are you playing?" An Qiaoran asked.

"It's not a prank, it's just drinking juice." Ke Sheng said, brought a bottle of juice from the table and said.

"Anyway, everyone is here to eat, drink and play. Isn't it good to drink some juice on the basis of playing? What do you think?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran glanced at An Qiaoli and A Heng, they had no objection, what else could An Qiaoran say?

"Okay! Just with juice."

"That's great." Ke Sheng said, and glanced at Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing walked to the table, brought the cup over, and placed the cup in front of everyone.

"Three people, pour half a glass in front of each of them, whoever loses will drink, and if the double is doubled, add juice. I'll be the judge, okay?" Yuan Jing said.

"Yes! No problem."

An Qiaoran was the first to pick up the juice and took a sip. After drinking it, she found it strange that the juice tasted a bit special.

(End of this chapter)

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