Chapter 844 A Game Only Bored People Play
After drinking half a glass of juice, according to the rules, it was time for An Qiaoran to drink, and Yuan Jing was replaced.

This time, she is also the landlord of Yuan Jing. According to Yuan Jing's card skills, she will definitely lose.

An Qiaoran took the juice and was about to pour it for Yuan Jing, but Yuan Jing refused, "Madam, I have a little cold recently, I'm afraid it will infect you, why don't you use my cup?"

"Sure!" An Qiaoran nodded without any thought, took another cup and poured it for her.

This time it was Zhao Qiaoqiao again. Zhao Qiaoqiao and A Heng had never been very rivals, so, as soon as she took over the position, she gave A Heng a blow.

"Ran Ran is letting you go, I will not show mercy." Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at Ah Heng and said.

"Happiness is the most important thing." Ah Heng said indifferently.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Qiaoqiao laughed and began to draw cards. The first card was Big Ghost, and the second card was Little Two. Obviously the cards were very good, but she still had a bad expression on her face.

The cards were drawn quickly, and there were only three cards left. Zhao Qiaoqiao picked up the hole cards, glanced at A Heng and An Qiaoli who were looking at each other, and said.

"Although the two of you have a good relationship and are farmers, you can't change cards by looking at the cards, so separate."

Ah Heng was very helpless when he heard the words, "I said, do you understand the ways of the world?"

Both An Qiaoran and Yuan Jing pretended not to see it, she was really different.

"I really don't understand." Zhao Qiaoqiao said ruthlessly.

Ah Heng: "..."

"Okay! I'll put down the card and show it to Lily, is that okay? Mr. Zhao?"

"Yes, whatever."

Zhao Qiaoqiao was indifferent. Looking at the cards, she felt that she had won for sure.


That's right, Zhao Qiaoqiao's first card was '2', and then, the big ghost was in her hand.

The two of them were crushed as soon as they came up, An Qiaoran felt that she would break the embarrassing situation that she had never won in that position, so she hurried over to look at her cards, it didn't matter if she didn't look, she was startled.

In addition to her '2', there is a big ghost and a 4-K straight, and there are four 3s and four aces
As expected, Ah Heng didn't want it, but An Qiaoli wanted a kid, and Zhao Qiaoqiao got a big one.

They can't afford it.

Next, Zhao Qiaoqiao won for sure, Shun Zi went out, and then there were two bombs.

After turning it over several times, the glass of juice was filled up. Ah Heng knew that An Qiaoli's stomach was not good, so he drank it for her, and then they both drank it.

"How is it? Is it okay?" Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at Ah Heng with raised eyebrows.

Ah Heng looked at her with a smile on his face, but didn't speak.

"If I had known that the big ghost would come out first, then the bomb, followed by Shunzi, and the little 2 would come out last, it would still be spring!"

Zhao Qiaoqiao felt that this was the best card he had ever met in his life, maybe God couldn't stand the two of them showing their affection here, so he sent her to collect them.

It was time for An Qiaoran to compete with Zhao Qiaoqiao, but there was only one player left. Yuan Jing didn't want to play, and Ke Sheng was the referee, so naturally he didn't want to play.

"Madam, does Young Master Lu understand this?" Yuan Jing looked at An Qiaoran and asked cautiously.

"Him?" An Qiaoran subconsciously glanced at Lu Yuchen who was holding the child and looking at the phone, and shook his head, "I don't know."

This kind of game is only played by bored people. Of course, this is what An Qiaoran imagined and said by Lu Yuchen.

He must have disdain to play this.

An Qiaoran didn't have much hope for him, looked at An Qiaoli, and just about to let her play, Yuan Jing said again.

"Let Young Master Lu come and play! I think it's boring for him to bring children, and I'm also looking forward to Young Master Lu's card skills."

(End of this chapter)

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