Chapter 845 Strange Juice
Now that Yuan Jing said so, An Qiaoran naturally didn't do anything anymore, "Then I'll try."


An Qiaoran stood up and walked to Lu Yuchen's side, "We are fighting the landlord, you go to play too?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked up at her, "Win or lose?"

"I lost..." An Qiaoran said.

"So let me break the game for you?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and asked.

An Qiaoran: "..."

what does it mean?Does that mean she only thought of him when she lost?She wouldn't be so realistic.

"No, I just want you to go with me. Anyway, you will too. How boring is it to sit here?" An Qiaoran said, looking at the little Jiayi on Lu Yuchen's lap, who was about to fall asleep.

It was so noisy, she was worried that she would cry!Unexpectedly, she was still able to sleep.

Grandma came over and looked at the drowsy little Jiayi, "Come, grandma hugs."

As grandma said, she brought Xiao Jiayi over, sat down on the sofa, let Xiao Jiayi lie on grandma's lap, and Lu Yuchen took off her suit and covered her up.

"Go and play! I'll take care of Jiayi." Grandma said.

"Then it's hard work for you, grandma." An Qiaoran said.

"It's okay, let's go!"

An Qiaoran pulled Lu Yuchen to the seat and sat down. Like Ah Heng and An Qiaoli, they squeezed a seat, but it seemed that they couldn't fit.

So, it turned into Lu Yuchen hugging An Qiaoran, and An Qiaoran didn't refuse.

Seeing such a scene, Yuan Jing couldn't help but say, "Young Master Lu's life is really perfect, he hugged his daughter and his wife."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but he was quite satisfied with what she said.

"Let's start!" With Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoran's confidence doubled.

Zhao Qiaoqiao was very confident at first, but... Seeing Lu Yuchen approaching, she suddenly felt a little weak, and quickly looked at An Qiaoli.

"Lily, I'm not playing anymore, come on!"

Saying that, Zhao Qiaoqiao stood up and left.

An Qiaoli didn't dare to come either, after all, who could beat Lu Yuchen! "I don't want to play anymore, I'm going to sing and dance."

After speaking, she dragged Ah Heng and ran away.

"I'm going too." Zhao Qiaoqiao followed closely behind.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen scared away the three people who were willing to play and had a good time, An Qiaoran was very helpless.

"What should we do now? The three of them don't play anymore, and you two don't play anymore, so what else can you play?"

As soon as Lu Yuchen came, the three of them ran away. An Qiaoran really didn't know what they were thinking.

"Since they are going to sing and dance, why don't we..." Yuan Jing suggested.

An Qiaoran shook his head and refused, "I won't, I won't go, you go and play!"

"Okay! Then you drink juice." Yuan Jing said and brought the cup in front of Zhao Qiaoqiao's seat, and poured juice for An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran took it and said, "Thank you."

"It's okay, then I'll go play first." Yuan Jing said, and walked towards the dancing crowd.

An Qiaoran took a sip of the juice, feeling very strange, why does the juice always taste different?This cup tasted very different from the one she drank before.

Could it be that there is something wrong with her sense of taste?

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran poured himself another cup and took a sip. The taste was the same as before.

It may be that she was not used to the taste of the fruit juice here before, so the first cup will taste bad!An Qiaoran thought so.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuchen saw that something was wrong with her and asked quickly.

"Nothing, I just think the juice taste here is very special."

After hearing this, Lu Yuchen understood, "The juice here is different from other places. If you are not used to drinking it, it is not surprising that it tastes strange."

"Oh, I see."

(End of this chapter)

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