Chapter 846 Unscrupulous Photos
An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen returned to their seats, drinking fruit juice and watching them dance, feeling very tasty.

Especially Aheng and An Qiaoli, An Qiaoran didn't want to talk about it anymore.

As for Zhao Qiaoqiao, she was singing. Don't look at her being careless, but she actually sings very well when she sings seriously. An Qiaoran couldn't help humming along with her singing.

Lu Yuchen hated such a noisy place to death. Looking at the phone, An Qiaoran noticed that he hadn't spoken, so she turned to look at him, and she was stunned.

On the phone, Lu Yuchen was actually looking at her photo, or the photo of her coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

An Qiaoran quickly snatched his mobile phone number in shock, confirmed that the person was his fault, and glared at Lu Yuchen, "When did you take the picture?"

An Qiaoran had never asked him to take such a photo, so he must have taken it secretly.

"I can't remember." Lu Yuchen said casually, and was about to reach for the phone, but An Qiaoran stood up and refused to let him take it, and looked down at the phone and began to search.

She wanted to see how many embarrassing photos Lu Yuchen had secretly taken of her.

The first few photos were all photos of him after he had braided his hair, which she knew, but the latter ones were mostly of her eating and sleeping, as well as those wrapped in bath towels...

Anyway, it's all wrong.

She didn't know until she looked at his mobile phone that he actually took so many ugly pictures of her, and still enjoyed watching them, that's too much!Really too much!She wants to delete them all, as long as they are indecent, delete them all!
An Qiaoran thought angrily, and began to operate, but at this moment, Lu Yuchen's big palm snatched the phone away.

"It's almost impossible to destroy it." Lu Yuchen looked at her and said.

An Qiaoran stared at him.

"Besides, these photos are very beautiful. If you delete them, I will have to take them again. How troublesome."

He took this photo with great difficulty, how could he let her delete it like this?

An Qiaoran was a little stunned when he heard the "good-looking" in Li's words, "Do you really think it looks good?"

Lu Yuchen nodded.

An Qiaoran: "..."

His level of appreciation is really strange, An Qiaoran has nothing to say.

"You can save it, can't let others see it."

It would be embarrassing for others to see these photos.

"Who else would dare to take my mobile phone except you?"

What Lu Yuchen said made a lot of sense. Apart from her, even Nade and Aheng dare not take Lu Yuchen's mobile phone, let alone anyone else.

An Qiaoran didn't speak anymore, and sat down to drink the juice, but just as she picked up the glass, her expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuchen became nervous when he saw her expression was wrong.

An Qiaoran put down the glass, covered his stomach, his face was full of pain, "My stomach hurts, it must be because I drank too much juice. No...I'm going to the bathroom."

An Qiaoran said, stood up clutching his stomach, and ran to the bathroom, but there was someone in the bathroom, and Yuan Jing was there.

An Qiaoran could only go outside, Lu Yuchen was worried about him, and followed her to the bathroom.

"You go back! Standing here is too an eyesore." After An Qiaoran said this, he walked in.

It was strange to see a man standing outside the women's bathroom.

But Lu Yuchen was still worried about An Qiaoran. The pain on her face just now was not just ordinary diarrhea.

Lu Yuchen was standing outside waiting for her. Everyone who came in and out looked at him strangely, but he still had no intention of leaving.

"Master!" Nade's nervous voice sounded from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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