Chapter 848 Is That Garbage Bag

Outside the bathroom, An Qiaoli, A Heng and Na De stood outside, looking at Grandma Lu Yuchen and Zhao Qiaoqiao who came out from inside, they knew without asking, that An Qiaoran was not inside.

Lu Yuchen came out, his body was tense, his face was very gloomy, only panic remained in his eyes.

"Where will she go if Ran Ran isn't inside? Nothing will happen, right?" Grandma became more and more nervous as she thought about it, feeling very uneasy.

"No, I'll ask the waiters outside. I'll ask around to see if they have seen Ran Ran go out."

As grandma said, she walked to the other side of the corridor. Nade glanced at Lu Yuchen, and then followed her out.

Lu Yuchen stood there, completely at a loss as to what to do.

An Qiaoran disappeared...she disappeared again...who took her away, who took her away?where is she now
Lu Yuchen's mind was in chaos, there was no blood on his face, and there was only endless panic and helplessness in his eyes.


When little Jiayi in An Qiaoli's arms saw Lu Yuchen, she stretched out her little hand, trying to break free from An Qiaoli's embrace and throw herself into Lu Yuchen's embrace.

It's just that Lu Yuchen didn't seem to hear it, standing there, he didn't know what to do.

Ke Sheng looked at Lu Yuchen's helpless look, and wanted to say something, but gave up.

"Boss Lu..."

Seeing that Lu Yuchen was motionless and had no intention of holding the child, Ah Heng couldn't help but make a sound.


Xiao Jiayi didn't know what happened, she just wanted to be hugged by her father, but she didn't know that when his father heard her voice at this time, he couldn't get rid of his anger.

Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Jiayi, his eyes were bloodshot.

Seeing Lu Yuchen looking at her, Xiao Jiayi smiled happily, "Hug, Dad."

Lu Yuchen looked at the child, and didn't intend to hug her. An Qiaoli didn't know, so she handed the child to Lu Yuchen.

But Lu Yuchen turned his eyes away, and said in a cold voice, "Hold her away! I don't want to see her!"

It was because of her that An Qiaoran disappeared.

If he had been guarding outside, An Qiaoran would not have been robbed!All because of her!

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he left. A Heng looked at An Qiaoli and said, "You should take her back and wait for the news. Mr. Lu is in a bad mood right now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to see this child."

An Qiaoli nodded, "Then you follow brother-in-law, please let me know if there is any news, sister must be fine."

"Do not worry!"

After Ah Heng finished speaking, he glanced at the direction Lu Yuchen was leaving, and quickened his pace to keep up.

"I'll go back with you and wait for the news." Zhao Qiaoqiao glanced at the crying child in An Qiaoli's arms and said.

Anjoli nodded.


Ah Heng followed Lu Yuchen to the monitoring room of the hotel, and went to check the monitoring of the hotel without saying a word.

Sitting on a chair, Lu Yuchen looked at the monitors on the computer, his eyes quickly searched for the monitor in the corridor of the bathroom, and within three seconds, he found it.

After he entered the box, a cleaner came out pushing a large bag of garbage, and An Qiaoran didn't come out for the next half an hour.

Seeing the black garbage bag, Lu Yuchen felt that there was a big problem. Can there be so much garbage in a bathroom?
"President Lu, this person..."

Ah Heng also felt something was wrong, so he opened his mouth to say something, but seeing that Lu Yuchen was following the man's whereabouts, he didn't say anything.

After the person on the monitor pushed the garbage bag out of the bathroom, she pushed out of the hotel all the way. The monitor at the hotel gate recorded that she took the garbage bag to the garbage truck 50 meters away from the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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