Chapter 849 Will She Be Painful?
Generally, the garbage in the bathroom is not very heavy, but she needs the driver of that car to come down and move it together...

It seems that An Qiaoran is in the garbage truck.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen stood up abruptly and walked out, taking big steps.

Ah Heng followed closely, came outside the hotel door, and saw the garbage truck opposite, but at the same time they came out, the garbage truck had already started.

Lu Yuchen looked at the direction the garbage truck was leaving, got into the car, and drove after him.

After chasing all the way to the garbage station, the garbage truck stopped. When the driver was about to take out the garbage, Lu Yuchen got out of the car in time to stop him.

"This gentleman..." The driver felt dazed when he saw Lu Yuchen stop him.

The garbage station stinks, and Lu Yuchen still has the image of a clean freak in the past. When he saw the black garbage bag on the car, he didn't think much about it, and got into the garbage truck directly.

"Mr. Lu!"

What Lu Yuchen did surprised Ah Heng. He had never expected that Lu Yuchen, who was usually a clean freak, would jump into the smelly and messy garbage truck at this time.

Lu Yuchen didn't hear his voice at all, and went to open the black plastic bag as soon as he got in the car.

"An Qiaoran!"

I thought it was An Qiaoran inside, but I didn't expect that there was nothing but garbage inside.

An Qiaoran is not here...not An Qiaoran...

Lu Yuchen looked at the pile of garbage, and his body became stiff again.

Obviously, An Qiaoran was sent to the car for surveillance, so why not?Where is the problem.

"Sir, come down quickly, it's too dirty." The driver who was watching all this couldn't stand it any longer.

"Boss Lu, come down quickly!" Ah Heng couldn't help urging.

Lu Yuchen stood there as if he didn't hear it, thinking about what went wrong in his mind.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he quickly got out of the garbage truck, got in the car and drove back on the same road.

Lu Yuchen's speed was so fast that even the experienced Ah Heng was quite frightened.

Finally, the car stopped at the trash can opposite the hotel.

Lu Yuchen got out of the car and ran to check behind the trash can, only to find that the black trash bag that should have been there was gone.

When he was driving to chase the garbage truck just now, he saw a garbage bag behind the garbage can, but now it was gone.

Behind the trash can, the monitor cannot see it. The cleaner has prepared a lot of trash here in advance.

Pushing An Qiaoran here, she threw the pile of garbage into the car. In order to show the truth, she also asked the driver to help, so that he would think that An Qiaoran was on the garbage truck. Qiao Ran moved away.

what about now?Where should An Qiaoran be?Where should he go to find her?
All the clues were completely broken because of his pursuit, and he couldn't find An Qiaoran at all.

What should he do?Where is he going to find her?
An Qiaoran... Where is she?Will she be in pain?Will it be difficult?

Looking at the empty ground behind the trash can, Lu Yuchen felt tortured in his heart, a little dizzy, and a little unstable.

"Boss Lu..."

Realizing that something was wrong with him, Ah Heng quickly supported him, "Don't worry, if your wife is fine, you can rest for a while, I will check the surveillance, the hotel's surveillance can't see it, but the store's surveillance can definitely see it." arrive."

After finishing speaking, Ah Heng was about to leave, but Lu Yuchen suddenly grabbed his hand, very hard, and said in a low voice, "Give me the knife!"

Hearing this, Ah Heng was stunned, "Mr. Lu, what do you want a knife for?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and give it to me!" Because of the pain in his chest, Lu Yuchen's voice was not so loud, but it was still very imposing.

(End of this chapter)

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