Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 850 Exchange An Qiaoran with Lu Feng

Chapter 850 Exchange An Qiaoran with Lu Feng
Ah Heng knew that Lu Yuchen was serious, so he didn't dare to disobey, and handed the fruit knife on the key to Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to take it, but Ah Heng tightened his hand, "Boss Lu, what are you going to do? Don't mess around!"

His wife is gone, Mr. Lu is so abnormal again, Ah Heng is very worried that he will be overwhelmed, although Mr. Lu in the past was definitely not so fragile, but now that his wife is gone, everything is not certain.

"Let go!" Lu Yuchen stared at him, gritted his teeth and said.

"Boss Lu..."

Ah Heng was still hesitant, but when Lu Yuchen gave her such a stare, she became cowardly, let go of her hand, and Lu Yuchen took the fruit knife.

Ah Heng looked at him nervously, thinking that he was going to do something, but unexpectedly, he rolled up his sleeves, took a fruit knife, and slashed at his arm without hesitation.

"Mr. Lu!"

Such a scene completely frightened Ah Heng, looking at the scar on Lu Yuchen's hand, bright red blood flowed down his arm to the ground.

The scars were deep, and it could be seen how cruel Lu Yuchen was to him.

"Mr. Lu, why are you doing this?" Ah Heng asked helplessly looking at Lu Yuchen's bleeding scars.

Could it be that his wife is gone, and he wants to hurt himself like this?The Lu Boss in front of him really made him feel terrible.

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, threw the fruit knife into the trash can, shook his head, and found that his fainted head suddenly became more awake.

He had to stay awake and couldn't sleep for a moment, otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to find An Qiaoran.

"Boss Lu, I'll bandage you up." As Heng said, he was about to step forward, but Lu Yuchen stared at him suddenly, and Ah Heng paused.

"Go and check the monitoring of each road, I must find An Qiaoran!" After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he opened the car door and got in the car. His movements were smooth and smooth. The injury on his arm didn't affect him at all, as if it didn't exist.

Lu Yuchen was injured, and Ah Heng quickly got into the driver's seat.

"Ask the people at the factory, is Lu Feng there?" Lu Yuchen in the back seat asked.

Ah Heng responded by dialing the number of the factory, and then said.

"Lu Feng has been in the factory all the time, and nothing unusual happened."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and didn't speak. He felt relieved. As long as it wasn't for Lu Feng, An Qiaoran might still be safe.

Just as he was thinking, his cell phone rang suddenly, his body froze for a moment, he took out his cell phone and looked at it, it was a video message, and the person who sent this message was An Qiaoran.

Lu Yuchen clicked on the video with trembling hands. In the video, An Qiaoran was tied to a big bed in a dark space, her mouth was gagged, and her eyes were full of fear.

Seeing An Qiaoran's eyes full of fear, Lu Yuchen's heart trembled violently. The video was only about ten seconds long, and repeatedly it was only An Qiaoran, and Lu Yuchen's eyes were only filled with An Qiaoran's infinite fear.

After the video ended, Lu Yuchen's hand trembled and the phone almost dropped.

Only An Qiaoran's frightened and helpless eyes were left in his mind, and his heart was stabbed, and the originally dark eyes were soaked with bloodshot eyes.

"Ding Dong" sounded again.

Lu Yuchen quickly looked at the phone screen, it was also sent by An Qiaoran, it was a paragraph of text.

[I want your woman to be fine, come across the bridge alone at one o'clock this evening, and exchange it with Lu Feng!One second later, I will take off one of her clothes! 】

Just a few words, but it made Lu Yuchen's eyes turn red, and his eyes froze.

Exchange Lu Feng for An Qiaoran...

(End of this chapter)

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