Chapter 856 Must make him believe

"Lu Yuchen!" An Qiaoran stopped him, quickly got out of bed, ran to him, and looked up at him, "Why don't you believe me?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her bare feet, and looked at her with dissatisfaction, "You go to bed, don't you know that the ground is cold?"

"Don't change the subject." An Qiaoran said, "I said, I don't have amnesia, I'm not crazy, I remember everything at that time clearly, I didn't have at all..."


Lu Yuchen finally couldn't help but growl, looking at An Qiaoran with forbearance in his eyes, "I know this matter has hit you hard, I know you can't help it, and I don't want to blame you I blame you, so don't say any more."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking in a low voice, he stepped away and closed the door with a "bang".

An Qiaoran stood there, listening to the angrily closing sound, her face turned pale.

Lu Yuchen didn't believe her, how could he not believe her?Everything she said was true, why did he insist on his own ideas so much?
As long as An Qiaoran thought of Lu Yuchen's refusal to listen to her explanation just now, she felt particularly uncomfortable.

She has been wronged so much, and she will not be able to gain his trust when she comes back. She will not be able to bear it for anyone.

An Qiaoran stood there for a long time with the bare floor like this. At this time, the weather had turned cold, and she was still naked on the floor, and the coolness permeated her whole body.

She didn't know whether the coldness came from the environment or from Lu Yuchen.

He doesn't believe her...

He...doesn't believe her...

An Qiaoran's last thought before he fell into a coma was these five words.


When she woke up again, she felt hot and sweating all over her body. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was covered with a thick quilt.

No wonder it was so hot, she subconsciously reached out to lift the quilt, but in the end, her hand was wrapped in a big palm.

"Lu Yuchen..."

Looking at Lu Yuchen who was sitting by the bed, An Qiaoran was shocked and wanted to explain, but Lu Yuchen spoke first.

"You have a cold, you need to cover yourself with a quilt, and don't stretch out your hands." Compared with Lu Yuchen's cold tone before he fell into a coma, he is much gentler now.

"Lu Yuchen..."

Just as An Qiaoran was about to explain, Lu Yuchen continued, "Don't talk, drink the soup first, and then sleep."

As Lu Yuchen said, he glanced at Nade who was beside him. Nade understood, picked up the chicken soup, and handed it to Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen took the chicken soup, blew it cold, and brought it to An Qiaoran's mouth, "Open your mouth."

An Qiaoran looked at him and didn't respond. She really wanted to explain, but she was afraid that he wouldn't believe her, so she slammed the door angrily and left.

"An Qiaoran?" Seeing that she didn't move, Lu Yuchen called her.

An Qiaoran was afraid that he would get angry, so he opened his mouth obediently, and the warm chicken soup fell into his mouth, swallowed it into his stomach, and his stomach became warm all of a sudden.

While eating the soup, An Qiaoran didn't say a word, just looked at Lu Yuchen with her eyes, and opened her mouth obediently.

After finishing the bowl of chicken soup, An Qiaoran didn't say a word.

Nade took the empty bowl and turned to leave. Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and covered her with a quilt.

"The company still has things to deal with. I'll go to the company first. Don't lift the quilt, huh?"

"When do you want to come back?" An Qiaoran looked at him and asked.

What if he didn't want to hear her explanation, and then never came back?She had to convince him.

Lu Yuchen was silent for a second, and then replied, "Before five o'clock in the afternoon."

"Really?" An Qiaoran couldn't believe it.


Lu Yuchen nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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