Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 857 I Have Already Caught That Person

Chapter 857 I Have Already Caught That Person
"Then you must come back." An Qiaoran instructed.

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips without saying a word, got up and left.

An Qiaoran was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

At that scene, Lu Yuchen definitely didn't believe her, so what method should she use to find that person?

Now only by finding that person can Lu Yuchen believe it.

She vaguely remembered that when she was flustered, she bit the man's shoulder very hard, there must be a scar.

However, it may be a bit difficult to find according to the scar.

But this was the only way to make Lu Yuchen believe her. He didn't want Lu Yuchen to continue to misunderstand her like this, so he could only trouble Butler De.

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran lifted the quilt and dialed the internal line on the bedside table, "Housekeeper De, please come up here."

Not long after, Housekeeper De came in, came to the bed, looked at An Qiaoran who was already sitting up, and said hastily, "Young Madam, why are you up? Lie down quickly, or it will get worse."

"I am fine."

An Qiaoran said, "Housekeeper De, I want you to help me find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who is the young lady looking for?" De Butler asked suspiciously.

"Find a man with a bite mark on his left shoulder and a scar."

Hearing this, Nade was stunned, and couldn't believe his ears, "Young Madam, the person you are looking that person from that night?"

"how do you know?"

An Qiaoran was very surprised that Nade knew who she was looking for.

"I'm dissatisfied with you, the young master already found that person yesterday afternoon, but..."

"but what?"

"But..." Nade said, looked at An Qiaoran, and asked again and again, "Young Madam, are you sure that person has a bite mark and a scar on his left shoulder?"

"That bite mark was made by me. I remember it so clearly that it can't be wrong."

Her hands and feet were tied at the time, and the only thing she could resist was her mouth, so she must not remember wrongly.

An Qiaoran's words made Nade even more puzzled, "This is strange."

"What's wrong?" An Qiaoran asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"The man caught by the young master doesn't seem to have a bite mark on his left shoulder. I thought it was the young lady, you remember wrongly."

Nade said with annoyance and doubt on his face.

"No bite marks?" An Qiaoran couldn't help being shocked by this news.

"It's just not possible, I remember it so well, I bite so badly, it's impossible not to have a scar, unless the person isn't the real person."

As An Qiaoran said, he was shocked for a moment, and looked at Na De, "Housekeeper De, you must know where Lu Yuchen hid him, take me there quickly."

"Young Madam...I'm afraid this is inappropriate..." Nade hesitated.

"What's wrong? Lu Yuchen must have caught the wrong one, I'm going to check." An Qiaoran said, she had already lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on her slippers, and went into the cloakroom.

After a while, she came out wearing a white coat.

"Young Madam, you are still sick, hurry up and lie down!" Nade felt helpless seeing her about to go out.

"All my illnesses are cured at this moment." An Qiaoran said, "Butler De, you must know where it is? Take me there quickly! I really can't wait for a moment."

"No, young lady..."

Nade looked troubled.

The young master said that he could not tell the young lady about the man who had been caught, but he had accidentally missed it just now. If he took the young lady to see that person now, the young master would scold him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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