Chapter 860 Must Be A Mistake

An Qiaoran was still shocked because it was Ke Sheng, but she didn't expect Ke Sheng to say such a thing, as if she didn't know her except Mrs. Lu.

This made An Qiaoran feel very strange.

"Ke Sheng, what's going on? How could it be you that Lu Yuchen arrested?"

Lu Yuchen obviously arrested the man he thought was the man that night, but this man was Ke Sheng, and Ke Sheng couldn't possibly belong to that man, An Qiaoran still believed this.

"I violated you, so of course he caught me." Ke Sheng changed his previous gentleness and said in a sarcastic tone.

An Qiaoran was even more puzzled when he heard the words, "Ke Sheng, why do you say that? You are not that person at all, why do you admit it?"

"How do you know I'm not that person?" Ke Sheng asked back, "How can you be sure? I am that person!"

Listening to Ke Sheng's tone of voice, he was completely different from before, and what he said was still so strange.

"You're not." An Qiaoran looked at him and said with certainty, "You don't have my bite mark on your shoulder, so you're not, you're a fake, you're talking nonsense."

When Ke Sheng heard this, he was stunned, his eyes obviously became strange, and he really didn't know what to say for a moment.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he never thought that there would be such a thing as bite marks.

Now, he has nothing to say.

Seeing his silence, An Qiaoran knew that he had nothing to say, so he took a deep breath and asked.

"Ke Sheng, I know that person is not you, but I don't know why you let Lu Yuchen catch you and confessed to that matter."

When Ke Sheng heard this, there was no expression on his face, and he said indifferently, "This has nothing to do with you."

"You are wrong. This has a lot to do with me. You did not do that thing but you admitted it. Why did you admit it? Don't you know that it is because you admitted that you will have Are there so many injuries?"

If he hadn't admitted it and hadn't been caught by Lu Yuchen, how could he be in such a miserable situation now?It was so hard for her to see it.

She had never seen so many injuries on a person, and she was still a little shocked.

"Of course I know, but..."

Ke Sheng hesitated to speak, An Qiaoran was very impatient, "But what? Do you have any difficulties? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

An Qiaoran said, looking at the bodyguard, "Untie him."

Hearing this, not only the bodyguards, but even Nade were a little shocked, "Young Madam, you are..."

"I know him, he is my bodyguard, he is not that person, Lu Yuchen caught the wrong one, let him go first."

He is covered in injuries now, and if he continues to be tied like this, he will die, so he should sit down and talk slowly.

Since she could pretend to be that person, he must know who that person is, so there is still some hope in asking him.

Although An Qiaoran said this, Nade still looked puzzled, "But he has already admitted everything, how could he be wrong? Young Madam, let him go, you have to think clearly."

"I think very clearly." An Qiaoran looked at Nade, "If you want to know why it was wrong, then let him down."


"If Lu Yuchen blames it, I will take it." Afraid that Nade and the bodyguards had concerns, An Qiaoran said again.

An Qiaoran was so persistent that Nade couldn't say anything. He gestured to the bodyguard with his eyes, stepped forward to untie Ke Sheng, and helped him sit on the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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