Chapter 861 For the One He Loves
"You all go out!" An Qiaoran looked at Nade and said.

"Young lady..."

Nade wanted to say something else, but seeing An Qiaoran's insistence, he finally gave up, got nothing, and left with two bodyguards, guarding the door.

The door was closed, An Qiaoran looked at Ke Sheng, "There are only two of us here now, if you have anything to tell me, why on earth did you want to be caught by Lu Yuchen on purpose? And then confess to those unwarranted things?"

Ke Sheng lowered his head, listened to An Qiaoran's words, then slowly raised his head, looked at An Qiaoran, and said apologetically, "Ran Ran, I'm sorry."

"If you really feel sorry for me, just tell me the reason why you did this, and... what is your relationship with the real person, and why do you want to be his scapegoat?"

"I have nothing to do with that person, and I didn't do this for him." Ke Sheng said excitedly when he heard An Qiaoran's words.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't understand, "Since you have nothing to do with him, why did you come to admit it?"

This is what An Qiaoran didn't understand. According to what she knew about Ke Sheng, he was definitely not that kind of person, but she just didn't know why he did this.

Why is it worth it for an irrelevant person to hurt himself so badly?Why?

Ke Sheng said two words, his face seemed to be in pain, and after taking a deep breath, he said, "Because I want to protect the one I love."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, "Protect the one you love?"


Ke Sheng nodded.

"What does this have to do with her?" An Qiaoran didn't understand.

"Ran Ran, you don't understand, and I don't know if I should tell you." Ke Sheng lowered his head, very conflicted.

An Qiaoran didn't know what he was struggling with, "It's come to this point, what else can you say?"

"But, if I say so, everything I've done will be meaningless." Ke Sheng said hesitantly, looking up at An Qiaoran.

"Ran Ran, I don't want to hurt you, but I can't hurt her either."

Ke Sheng said, looking at her beggingly, "Ran Ran, I beg you, just pretend you don't know about this matter, and don't get involved in it, okay? After tomorrow is over, no matter what you do OK, okay?"

Seeing Ke Sheng's sudden prayer, An Qiaoran was a little stunned, accompanied by countless questions.

"Why on earth is this? You said that all you did was to protect her, but... who the hell is she? In my opinion, everything you are doing now is to cover for the real murderer. Could it be... ...the person you love is related to the murderer?"

As soon as An Qiaoran said this, Ke Sheng fell silent and didn't speak for a while.

Seeing no reply from him, An Qiaoran thought that he had hit the mark, "Is that true?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ke Sheng nodded, "Ran Ran, if I told you that she was manipulating all this, what would you do?"

An Qiaoran was so shocked that he didn't respond.

She didn't expect that the lover Ke Sheng talked about turned out to be the mastermind behind the scenes, which was too terrifying.

"Ran Ran, I believe that you won't tell Lu Yuchen these things. If you tell him, then she won't survive tomorrow. If she suffers any harm, I will die."

Ke Sheng said, looking at An Qiaoran pleadingly, "I know you are kind, so just look at it for my sake, don't tell Lu Yuchen about this, she can't beat Lu Yuchen, I'm afraid she will be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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