Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 862 That person is the person she knows best

Chapter 862 That person is the person she knows best
An Qiaoran looked at his plea and didn't know what to say.

He loves that woman, but he loves the wrong person. However, falling in love is falling in love, a heart beats for her, what can he do?
An Qiaoran thought, feeling helpless, "You know she can't beat Lu Yuchen, and you are afraid that she will be caught, so you let yourself be caught by Lu Yuchen first, and then divert Lu Yuchen's attention so that she can leave."

"..." Ke Sheng was silent, as if he had acquiesced, that's what he really thought.

"Ke Sheng, why are you so confused?"

An Qiaoran expressed disrespect for his actions, "You know Lu Yuchen is cruel, but you still want to shoot him? Didn't you say that she doesn't like you? Why are you... Sigh!"

Speaking of the latter, An Qiaoran didn't know what to say about him, he was all for that woman, what else could she say after going through all this?There is only helplessness left.

"Ran Ran, I know, you can understand me." Ke Sheng looked at her and said.

"I understand you, but... now Lu Yuchen has decided that you are that person, and because of you, he has also decided that I am unclean. Now I can't argue with it."

Although Lu Yuchen did not neglect her because of this matter, if this matter is not resolved, it will become an eternal thorn in his and her hearts.

"Did Lu Yuchen blame you for this incident?" Ke Sheng asked.

"That's not true. I just don't like being misunderstood by him, or this kind of misunderstanding."

When Ke Sheng heard this, his eyes dimmed, "Sorry, I don't know you..."

"It's okay..." An Qiaoran said, "You just need to tell me who that person is. You should know it, right?"

Since Ke Sheng came to pretend to be that person, he should know the real person. As long as he finds that person, everything will be revealed.

"Actually, you know that person... Ran Ran, and you know him very well." Ke Sheng said.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, "I know you? Are you familiar? Who is that?"

How could someone who knew her very well harm her?

Ke Sheng looked at her and was silent for two seconds, then said two words, "Sun Xu."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, shocked, "Sun Xu? How is this possible?"

"I know you don't believe it, but as far as I know, it's Sun Xu." Ke Sheng looked at An Qiaoran and said.

An Qiaoran's face was full of shock, which was incredible.

It's really unimaginable that it's Sun Xu. How could Sun Xu do such a thing?
"She knew that Sun Xu had always liked you, so she brainwashed him to do this kind of thing. Sun Xu's purpose is to divorce you and Lu Yuchen, so that he has a chance to get you."

Ke Sheng said, "But judging from the current situation, it seems that his plan is going to fail. Lu Yuchen doesn't have any thoughts about you at all. Divorce is even more impossible."

An Qiao heard this and didn't know what to say.

Sun Xu would do such a thing, which she never thought of. What she should think about now is what to do.

It was because of her that Sun Xu did that thing, and maybe it was also because of her that he kept the last trace of the bottom line.

She meant that she wanted to catch that person in front of Lu Yuchen and let him tell Lu Yuchen himself that she was still innocent.

But now, that person is Sun Xu. No matter what, Sun Xu has no malice towards her. If he is handed over to Lu Yuchen, he will be miserable enough.

(End of this chapter)

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