Chapter 864 Confronting Him
reason?Lu Yuchen didn't want to hear her so-called reason, so he was so angry that he didn't say anything. He walked to the sofa and sat down, his eyes were cold and he was sullen.

An Qiaoran looked at him like this, walked over helplessly, and sat down beside him, "Lu Yuchen, I brought him up because I hope you let him go."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stared at her with enough eyes to kill An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran spoke directly before he got angry, "Ke Sheng is not that person."


Lu Yuchen didn't speak, obviously he didn't believe what she said at all.

An Qiaoran also knew that he would not believe it, so he added.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have to say it. It was an emergency, and I took a hard bite on that person's left shoulder. I could feel the smell of blood spreading in my mouth. I must have bitten hard. He There must have been bite marks on his shoulder, but Ke Sheng did not."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned, his eyes became darker, he pursed his lips, and did not speak.

Seeing the change in his eyes, An Qiaoran knew that he had listened to what he said, and continued.

"Lu Yuchen, you caught the wrong one, Ke Sheng is not that person."

He got it wrong...

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned tightly, and turned to stare at Ke Sheng who was sitting opposite, "Why do you admit it?"


"He has his reasons." An Qiaoran said for him.

Lu Yuchen turned to look at her, "You know?"

"I..." An Qiaoran choked when he was asked, his eyes were a little uncomfortable, so he could only change the subject, "This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that I know who that person is."


Lu Yuchen asked almost subconsciously, and it could be seen how much he wanted to know who that person was.

Because that person said about Sun Xu, An Qiaoran didn't know what to say, Sun Xu was innocent, but if it fell into Lu Yuchen's hands, wouldn't it be worse for him?

"Who is it?" Lu Yuchen was already impatient and wanted to know the answer, but he couldn't allow An Qiaoran to continue thinking.

So An Qiaoran could only answer truthfully, "Sun Xu."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was startled, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

That person surnamed Sun is so bold!

It's okay to indulge his wife to commit murder last time, but this time it's good, the bullying has come to him!He will definitely not let him go this time!

"Nade! Find Sun Xu's exact location immediately. I want him to appear in front of me for an hour!" Lu Yuchen looked at Nade and ordered in a cold voice.

Nade didn't dare to neglect, nodded, "Yes, young master."

After speaking, he turned around and left the villa.

Nade left, An Qiaoran glanced at Sun Xu who was in a daze, then looked at Lu Yuchen, and said, "This person is Sun Xu, I was unexpected, I never thought that he would do such a thing .”

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen turned to look at her, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but gave up.

"Although he did these things, maybe I was half of the reason."

If she hadn't chosen to help Sun Xu at the beginning, maybe everything now would not have happened.

An Qiaoran said, looked at Lu Yuchen, and said with a serious face, "Lu Yuchen, I said, I am still innocent. When Sun Xu comes, I will confront him face to face."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen reacted, his eyes became sharp, and his face completely sank.

"An Qiaoran, do you really want to make this matter known to everyone? You want to embarrass me in front of that surnamed Sun? I said I don't blame you, why do you just insist on this matter? Let it go?"

(End of this chapter)

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