Chapter 865 Is it self-deception, or...

Lu Yuchen's sudden anger made An Qiaoran a little at a loss, and she was stunned for a second before she realized what he meant.

He just said that she had been completely violated by Sun Xu, and if he asked Sun Xu face to face, he would be adding salt to his wound.

Indeed, if she was really violated by Sun Xu, then she was asking in front of Sun Xu, he was indeed very uncomfortable, and she could understand his feelings, because his arrogant character could not tolerate such harm.

However, nothing happened at all, why would she get angry as soon as she mentioned him?She kept explaining, why didn't he think about trusting himself?Maybe what he always thought was wrong?

An Qiaoran didn't know when Lu Yuchen had become so stubborn. He believed her in everything she said before, but he never thought of believing her in this matter.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen in front of her, why was she helpless, when she was about to explain, Xiao Jiayi spoke.

"Father, don't scold mother!" Xiao Jiayi's immature voice rang out in the living room.

Hearing Xiao Jiayi speak for her, An Qiaoran couldn't help feeling warm, and reached out to touch Xiao Jiayi's fair and tender face.

She always thought that her daughter only knew that she liked Lu Yuchen, but she didn't expect that she would still speak for her at critical moments.

Lu Yuchen looked at the daughter at An Qiaoran's feet, turned his head away, and did not speak.

An Qiaoran glanced at her daughter, then looked at Lu Yuchen, adjusted her emotions, and said.

"I know you won't believe it, and I know you don't blame me, but in your heart, don't you really care?"

In fact, An Qiaoran knew that he had been holding back, and he didn't want her to think too much, so he had been holding back the unhappiness deep in his heart.

He is such an arrogant and conceited person, now that something like this happened, it's fine if he didn't divorce him.


Lu Yuchen looked in the direction outside, didn't speak, and didn't intend to answer her.

Seeing him like this, An Qiaoran was also helpless, and reached out to hold him, "Lu Yuchen, I know that your heart is hard to accept, so you have been avoiding this topic, but this time, I want to let you know that you are wrong .”

Lu Yuchen was sitting there, hearing the words, looking at An Qiaoran, seeing the determination and seriousness in her eyes, it was impossible not to be shocked.

He couldn't believe it, and he lost control and almost yelled at her several times because of this matter, but seeing her eyes like this, he really didn't know what to say.

He didn't know that she just didn't want to believe and was deceiving herself, or that the truth was really not what he thought.

For an hour, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen sat in the living room, waiting for Nade's call.

After Lu Yuchen's phone rang, An Qiaoran's mood also became tense.

"Master, I have taken him to the basement."


Lu Yuchen hung up the phone, got up, and strode out of the living room.

An Qiaoran stood up and followed closely behind. When she reached the door, she turned around and looked at Ke Sheng, "You can go together! Is it convenient?"

Hearing this, Ke Sheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded after a while, "It's convenient."

The three of them came to the basement together. After all, they had been there once before, and An Qiaoran found the room smoothly.

When An Qiaoran and Ke Sheng entered the room, Lu Yuchen was already sitting on the chair, while Sun Xu was standing in the middle of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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