Chapter 868 You Are My An Qiaoran


Even if Sun Xu was stupid, he knew that she suddenly stood between him and Lu Yuchen to reconcile his and Lu Yuchen's anger.

So... she was protecting him?
Thinking about it, he felt a little happy.

"As long as you tell the truth, you'll be fine." An Qiaoran looked at him and said.

"If he really believes in you, then I don't need to say anything more." Sun Xu glanced at Lu Yuchen and said.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was very helpless, "It's not a question of belief or not, it's a question of my self-esteem, do you understand?"

"But ask Lu Yuchen, when did he trust you in his heart? If this goes on for a long time, he will definitely despise you."

"No, Lu Yuchen is not as scumbag as you think." An Qiaoran said, "Sun Xu, even if I beg you, can you tell him the matter?"


Seeing An Qiaoran's eyes asking again, Sun Xu really had no way to refuse, but...

Sun Xu struggled for a moment, but still didn't want to see her begging eyes, so he took a deep breath and said.

"I just want you not to hate me or feel inferior. So, I kept the bottom line, Ran Ran, I'm very glad that you didn't hate me after you knew that person was me."

He loves her madly, but he doesn't want to make her feel inferior and sad. He just wants to win her heart.

After speaking, he turned around and faced the wall, not daring to look at An Qiaoran again.

Seeing that he finally told the truth, An Qiaoran quickly looked at Lu Yuchen and explained excitedly.

"Lu Yuchen, did you hear that? I still belong to you only, did you hear that?"

Because of excitement, An Qiaoran pulled Lu Yuchen's arm, and her voice was all excited.

After hearing Sun Xu's words, Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran's happy face, and finally stood up.

Looking at An Qiaoran who was full of smiles, he stretched out his hand and stroked her face, "It's as long as you are happy."

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran couldn't help being taken aback, his smile dimmed, "You still don't believe me?"

There was some reluctance in his words.

"I believe it." Lu Yuchen looked at her and said, "As long as it is what you say, I will believe it. No matter what, I only know that you are my An Qiaoran."

"Thank you, Lu Yuchen."

Regardless of whether he really believed it or not, she still had to thank him for his unwavering and caring care of her these two days.

"This matter is over like this, don't mention it again, you understand?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and said seriously.


An Qiaoran nodded deeply.

Lu Yuchen looked at her for a few seconds, planted a kiss on her forehead, and then said magnetically, "Go up first, Jiayi should be looking for you."

"What about you?" An Qiaoran asked.

"I still have some things to deal with." Lu Yuchen said.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran immediately became vigilant, "You don't mean to 'torture' Sun Xu, do you?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "No."

"Really?" An Qiaoran couldn't believe it.

"I'll still lie to you?" Lu Yuchen asked back with a frown.


An Qiaoran looked at him, blinking his eyes.

To be honest, she can't trust him a little bit, after all, Ke Sheng is the best example.

"Go up quickly! I'll be up in 10 minutes." Lu Yuchen promised authentically.

When An Qiaoran heard this, she couldn't say anything more, "Okay then! I'll go up first, you promised me, don't do anything."

"will not."

"Housekeeper De, help me keep an eye on him." Before parting, An Qiaoran specifically asked Nade.

(End of this chapter)

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