Chapter 869

Nade naturally nodded and agreed, "Good young lady."

"Then I'm leaving." An Qiaoran glanced at Sun Xu and Ke Sheng, and then left.

Hearing the sound of An Qiaoran's leaving footsteps, Lu Yuchen's face turned cold, and he was not as gentle as before.

He glanced at Ke Sheng coldly, "You told An Qiaoran that that person belonged to Sun Xu?"

Ke Sheng knew that Lu Yuchen's reason for staying was to instruct his teacher, so he wasn't too shocked when he heard him ask that question.

"I told her." Ke Sheng replied.

"Who is that woman?"

Lu Yuchen didn't beat around the bush, but asked straight to the point.

Since Ke Sheng could know that that person was Sun Xu, it meant that he knew who that woman was.

That woman kidnapped An Qiaoran and asked him to exchange it with Lu Feng. He never knew when there was another woman beside Lu Feng.

"Sorry, I can't tell you."

Ke Sheng said.

No matter what, it is impossible for him to betray Lan Yu.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why not?"

"She's the one I love."

Ke Sheng's words of "she is the one I love" made Lu Yuchen's body stunned, and it seemed that at this moment, he understood everything.

"It turns out that you deliberately came to me and let me catch you, because you wanted to hide it for her?"

Ke Sheng didn't speak.

"It's hopelessly stupid!" Lu Yuchen said sarcastically.

Hearing this, Ke Sheng smiled wryly, "An Qiaoran also said what you said."

"That means you're really stupid."

"I can understand what An Qiaoran said, but I find it strange that you said this, Young Master Lu."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was a little interested, "Tell me."

"I did this to protect her. Mr. Lu, you love An Qiaoran so much, and you should be able to do everything for her. When you say that about me, don't you think you are talking about yourself?"

What Ke Sheng said made Lu Yuchen stunned for a second, then he smiled, "You and I are not comparable, she doesn't love you, but An Qiaoran loves me."

"..." Ke Sheng looked at him, his eyes were a little sad because of her words.

Indeed, if she doesn't love him, isn't that because she loves him, Lu Yuchen?

"This topic has been brought up, you should tell me who she is first."

Lu Yuchen didn't want to listen to his lyric anymore, so he went straight to the point.

"I've said it before, I can't tell you." Ke Sheng still insisted on not saying anything.

Lu Yuchen knew that if he didn't want to speak, he really wouldn't speak, so he had no choice but to resort to a trick.

"Since you insist on not telling, then I can only use my own means to investigate." Lu Yuchen said, and glanced at Nade.

Nade understood, walked up to Ke Sheng, Ke Sheng looked at him defensively, "Could Mr. Lu still want to whip me?"

"You underestimate me too much. I can't go back on what I promised An Qiaoran." Lu Yuchen said disdainfully.

Nade didn't want to do anything to Ke Sheng, he just came to search him, and finally found his mobile phone in his trouser pocket.

When Ke Sheng saw his mobile phone, he reacted instantly, and immediately went forward to grab it back.

Reluctantly, he took a slow step, the phone was already in Lu Yuchen's hands, and he was instantly annoyed.

Lu Yuchen looked at his greatly changed expression, a triumphant smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

"Since you love her, you must keep in touch with her from time to time. With the phone address book, I can find out who she is."

Ke Sheng's face turned pale following Lu Yuchen's words, "Lu Yuchen, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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