Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 870 Consider An Qiaoran's Feelings

Chapter 870 Consider An Qiaoran's Feelings
Ke Sheng looked at Lu Yuchen, but he didn't know what to say.

At this time, he regretted it very much, why didn't I delete the call record.

According to Lu Yuchen's ability, he will definitely be able to find out, and Lan Yu will be finished by then.

Lu Yuchen took the phone, unlocked it easily, and saw the call log.

There is only one number on the phone, and there is still no note name.

"You thought of not using the name, why didn't you think of deleting the call log?" Lu Yuchen really thought he was stupid.

"No name, it's because I can remember her number, and I don't delete the call log, it's because I want to record the time of talking with her."

The more Ke Sheng said it, the more he felt annoyed. He didn't expect that his insistence would now be the key to Lu Yuchen finding Lan Yu. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of something, and looked at Lu Yuchen, "Lu Yuchen, I beg you, don't look for her."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you?" Lu Yuchen had never heard anyone's words in his life except An Qiaoran.

"I'm just reminding you that if you find her, you should be the one who regrets it." Ke Sheng said without changing his face.

Hearing this, Nade looked blank, while Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you mean?"

"In short, just don't look for her. If you let An Qiaoran know of her existence, you will definitely regret it."

Having said so much, Ke Sheng didn't say any more, and he didn't intend to say more.

Fortunately, An Qiaoran told him all about his experience with Lu Yuchen before, otherwise, he really didn't know how to prevent Lu Yuchen from finding Lan Yu.

Listening to Ke Sheng's words, Lu Yuchen covered his eyes and thought deeply.

The woman An Qiaoran couldn't see?who is it?

Lu Yuchen thought for a long time but couldn't figure out who it was, so he could only look at Ke Sheng, "Speak clearly!"

"You can check her, but I believe that after you know who she is, you will definitely not tell An Qiaoran."

"Why are you so sure?" Lu Yuchen asked in a bad tone.

"Because An Qiaoran is very kind, if she knows that you have taken away your child with your own hands, how do you think she will feel as a mother now?"

Hearing this, Nade and Lu Yuchen were stunned at the same time.

Nade looked at Lu Yuchen subconsciously, and said in surprise, "Master, he must be talking about Chen Lanyu, right?"

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and frowned tightly.

"If I'm not wrong, An Qiaoran probably doesn't know what you did to Lan Yu."

Lu Yuchen looked at him gloomyly, but didn't speak.

"I'm just reminding you. Of course, I don't want you to be unfavorable to Lan Yu, so let's make a deal."

"Let me spare Chen Lanyu?" Even if Ke Sheng didn't say anything, Lu Yuchen could still guess.

"You only have this choice." Ke Sheng said, "Of course, you can also choose to continue to target Lan Yu, but you have to consider An Qiaoran's feelings. After all, I know that she has been looking for detectives to find Lan Yu's identity. The whereabouts are enough to see that she is still very worried about Lan Yu."

Ke Sheng's words fell into Lu Yuchen's ears, and his heart became even more irritable, and even more shocking.

He didn't know that An Qiaoran was secretly looking for Chen Lanyu, so she cared about that woman so much?

He remembered that after learning that Chen Lanyu was pregnant, she was in a bad mood, and she was bored in the baby's room all day, depressed.

She cared so much about that child, why did she look for Chen Lanyu?Lu Yuchen really didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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