Chapter 881 Won't Let That Happen
Nade didn't hear his voice, so he said, "Master, haven't we already found out the whereabouts of Lu Feng and the others? Why can't we act?"

These days, their people have been secretly monitoring the location of Chen Lanyu and Lu Feng. They didn't know, but Nade felt strange why the young master didn't lead people to take action, but was here to prevent them from doing so.

"I won't do anything to Chen Lanyu until I ensure that An Qiaoran won't get angry." Lu Yuchen's deep voice sounded.

An Qiaoran has always been ashamed of Chen Lanyu. This is something he can't change. If she finds out that he personally killed Chen Lanyu's child, she will be even more angry with him.

He didn't like seeing her angry face very much. Every time he thought of it, it was as if he was being pinched by someone's throat and couldn't breathe. That feeling was very uncomfortable.

After what Lu Yuchen said, Nade was also helpless, "Master, no one has mentioned that matter again, and the young lady will not know."

"Her affection for Chen Lanyu is different from ordinary people, and she will know one day." With a very sure tone, "Besides, Chen Lanyu became like this because of the child, it's hard for her not to know."

"But even if she knows, she doesn't necessarily blame you!"

Nade said, "I think Young Madam can understand you, you are here for her peace of mind, for her smile, she will not blame you."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, his expression was not very good.

"Master, this matter really can't be dragged on any longer. It must be done before Lu Feng and the others act, otherwise it will be too late."

Lu Yuchen was silent for a long time, but when Nade thought he had acquiesced, he said sharply.

"Absolutely not!" Even if An Qiaoran knew that she would not blame him in the future, she would definitely feel guilty.He couldn't bet on An Qiaoran's smile, absolutely not!

For Lu Yuchen's irrational answer, Nade really has nothing to do.

"Don't say any more, just keep an eye on their whereabouts, and tell me if there is anything abnormal!"

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Nade looked helplessly at the hung up phone.

When did the young master fear most not that the young lady would fall into Lu Feng's hands, but that the young lady would know about Chen Lanyu's child.

Nade was really helpless about this, and didn't know what to do.


Lu Yuchen got up and walked to the French window, put his hands in his pockets and looked at everything below, his eyes were dim.

He was worried about An Qiaoran's safety, but he seemed to be even more afraid that An Qiaoran would know about that.

She is such a kind person, if she knew all that, then even if she was not angry with him, she would lock herself in the room like she knew Chen Lanyu was pregnant at that time, neither eating nor drinking, because the child And guilt for a lifetime.

An Qiaoran like that, he really has nothing to do.

So now, knowing the whereabouts of Lu Feng and Chen Lanyu, he can't arrest them, but can only monitor them from behind.

Because once Chen Lanyu falls into his hands, An Qiaoran will definitely go to see her, and then Chen Lanyu will definitely tell the story.

By that time, An Qiaoran would really be hopeless.

He won't let that happen!

"After so many days, why haven't you acted yet? It can't be because your heart is soft!"

Lu Feng sat on the chair, looked at Chen Lanyu who had been playing with his mobile phone these days, and spoke impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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