Chapter 882 Don't Think About It
I could hear the dissatisfaction and impatience in his tone, but Chen Lanyu continued to play the game without panic, and said casually, "Why are you panicking?"

"Why are you panicking? After so many days, I'm still bored here. I can't vent my anger. I want to ask you what are you going to do?"

Originally, he was very upset because he couldn't take revenge, but seeing that she didn't seem to be flustered at all, he felt even more upset.

Seeing him in such a hurry, Chen Lanyu twitched the corners of her pink lips, chuckled, raised her eyes to glance at him, and asked casually, "Do you know why you can't always beat Lu Yuchen?"

"Don't mention these useless things to me!" Lu Feng obviously listened impatiently.

"If you don't mention it, it doesn't mean you don't have it!" Chen Lanyu said, "The reason why you lost to Lu Yuchen again and again is because you are impatient, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, understand?"

"Heh!" Lu Feng sneered disdainfully when he heard the words, "Then according to what you said, I can't be impatient and just stay here for the rest of my life, waiting for An Qiaoran to come to my door?"

Chen Lanyu just curled her lips into a smile, didn't speak, and looked at him with half-smile eyes.

"Looking at me so bluntly, are you trying to seduce me?"

As the daughter of the richest man in Beicheng, Chen Lanyu's appearance is naturally good, especially those eyes, which look so seductive to others casually.

It's not surprising that Lu Feng said that, after all, at this age with Lu Yuchen, he still doesn't have a good wife by his side!

"Heh!" Chen Lanyu laughed at Lu Feng's words, showing rows of beautiful teeth, "Master Lu really knows how to joke."


Lu Feng was fascinated by her smile.

Sensing that his eyes were starting to look wrong, Chen Lanyu didn't continue this topic anymore.

"The reason why I stayed here for so long is to let Lu Yuchen relax his vigilance. After all, because of your relationship with him, you have escaped now. He can naturally feel the danger, so he must be prepared."


Lu Feng didn't listen to her words much, staring at her with wrinkled eyes, watching her small mouth opening and closing, feeling that her mouth was a bit dry.

"Are you listening to me?" Chen Lanyu felt uncomfortable with his eyes, and couldn't speak any more.

"Yes! You continue to talk." Lu Feng replied casually, but his eyes still did not leave Chen Lanyu.

Chen Lanyu really felt disgusted and wanted to kick him out.

However, she still couldn't get too excited, she had to stabilize him first, and then she had a chance to deal with An Qiaoran.

So bear with me...

Endure it for a while.

Chen Lanyu adjusted her emotions before looking at Lu Feng, "Aren't you unable to bear it anymore? Then you can negotiate with Lu Yuchen now."

"What is there to negotiate? I don't want anything now, but I want Lu Yuchen to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy! Let me slaughter you!" Lu Feng said viciously.

After saying this, Lu Feng's face was gloomy, which made Chen Lanyu feel a little scared, but after she realized it, she didn't think much about it.

"It was you who went to negotiate, didn't you still have me?" Chen Lanyu looked at him and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "You mean..."

The two smiled at each other. In comparison, Chen Lanyu's smile was much darker.

From then on, either An Qiaoran or Lu Yuchen would die. Anyway, she was having a hard time, and no one else would think about it!
(End of this chapter)

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