Chapter 886 Jiayi is gone...

"Madam, it's bad, it's bad!"

The maid's anxious voice sounded.

An Qiaoran withdrew her thoughts, turned around and looked at the maid who hurried over, "What's wrong?"

The maid ran very fast and was out of breath when she reached An Qiaoran. Even so, she still spoke while panting.

"Miss is gone."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's body froze immediately, "What did you say?"

"We searched all over the villa and couldn't find Miss. I'm sorry Ma'am, I didn't like Miss. Please punish me!"

As the maid said, she was about to kneel in front of An Qiaoran and beg for forgiveness.

An Qiaoran pulled her, forced her to stand up, and said with some slurred words, "When did you see me?"

"Just now." The maid said, "I was playing with Miss in the backyard an hour ago, but when it suddenly turned cold, I went into the house to get some clothes, and when I went back, Miss disappeared..."

Hearing the maid's words, An Qiaoran became completely unresponsive, and his face turned pale.

"I'm sorry madam, I was careless." Seeing that An Qiaoran didn't speak, the maid thought she was angry, and eagerly began to admit her mistake.

An Qiaoran stood there with a pale face as if she didn't hear her, and it took a long time for her to react.

Lowering her eyes, she looked at the maid who lowered her head and was showing fear all over her body, "Notify all the maids, look for them everywhere in the villa, no matter what, you must find them!"

"But ma'am... I've looked everywhere I should have looked before I came here to tell you, but I just can't find it..."

The maid spoke weakly.

"I don't care!" An Qiaoran gritted her teeth, her eye sockets were flushed with nervousness and worry, "Go find it again!"

Seeing An Qiaoran like this, the maid didn't dare to say more, she nodded and agreed, "Yes... madam, I'll go right away."

After speaking, she left the bedroom quickly...

The maid left, and the bedroom fell into a deathly silence. An Qiaoran stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there was a gust of cool wind behind him, and the leaves in the courtyard were blown all over the sky...

As time passed, An Qiaoran's face became paler. She wanted to run, but she couldn't take a step.

She just stood there sluggishly, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

Suddenly there was a "bang", her body went limp, and she fell to the carpet, only helplessness and panic remained in her eyes.


Could it be that Jiayi has been taken away by Lu Feng?What will he do to Jiayi?Will he pinch her directly to relieve the hatred in his heart?
The more An Qiaoran thought about it, the more frightened she became. Her hands, which had been scorching hot due to fever, suddenly became extremely cold at this moment, and the hot sweat all over her body also turned into cold sweat due to panic, and her whole body was filled with chills.

Jiayi is gone, if she has something to do... no!That is her child, her life, she must go find it!

No matter where Lu Feng is, she must find him!
An Qiaoran thought hard, and without knowing where the strength came from, she stood up directly, ran out desperately, and stumbled all the way downstairs.

"Where are you going ma'am?"

The maid who was looking for her in the living room saw that she was so unstable, so she asked quickly.

However, An Qiaoran acted as if he didn't hear it, and rushed out with all his strength, with only one thought in his mind, which was to leave here, go find Lu Feng, and find the child!
"Ma'am, you can't go out."

The bodyguard guarding the door stopped her as usual, but An Qiaoran had completely lost his mind at this time, and yelled at the bodyguard.

"Jiayi is gone! I'm going to find her now, don't stop me!"

(End of this chapter)

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